Originally Posted by haha View Post
How do you guys get good grades? Well, do YOU get good grades?

I'd say so, yea.

Originally Posted by haha View Post
What are your work habits?

  • Prioritising
  • Breaking big tasks into smaller parts
  • I write lists on my whiteboard or on paper of things I need to do coming up in the next ~few days/week and what subtasks and things I need to get done
  • Write a list the night before for everything I want to get done the next day
  • These steps cultivated with enough discipline and self control to actually just do the work works well for me.
Originally Posted by haha View Post
Do you tend to procrastinate alot?

Everyone procrastinates a bit, so do I. I do it a lot less than other people I know though. I love being organised and on top of things and dislike having things left to the last minute.

Originally Posted by haha View Post
Do you like studying?

I like learning. Studying is a necessary part of that which I enjoy more or less depending on the type of study and also a bit on the topic.

Eg, I'll generally prefer work from the IT half of my degree over the Law half. But I'll prefer legal problem solving question practice over reading a case or doing research.

Originally Posted by haha View Post
How do you manage your time?

Writing lists and planning. Have an idea of what you want to do in your day. Keep procrastination to a minimum. Do a little bit each day.

Originally Posted by haha View Post
Do you think good grades really matter?

Primary school: Grades don't count for anything here but I would advocate trying hard and aiming as high as you can all the same. Cultivate good habits and expectations in kids.

Highschool: Grades only matter for you getting in to the degree you want in University. That said, it is well worth going for good grades here too in hope that you get a scholarship or other benefits during further tertiary study. If you can get that ball rolling early then it will work wonders.

University: Grades might matter depending on the job/field you want to be in. My opinion is that if a company cares about your GPA though and will judge you on that over a behavioral interview and examples of your work then I wouldn't want to work for them.
Also similarly to highschool - good grades here can get you good benefits. Depending on your uni/college they may have high achievers societies, college of excellence, workshops, scholarships etc etc etc which are all invaluable to you as you try to learn and do as much as you can and grow a network of other bright and promising people.
What are your work habits? Well, none im lazy
Do you tend to procrastinate alot? Yep
Do you like studying? Nope
How do you manage your time? poorly
Do you think good grades really matter? Nope, It's just soceity's way of judging you. (unless you like dem A's)

I mean, I kinda take my intelligence for granted, but Im a really dumb person for doing that, I've litteraly won 12 regional spelling bee's 7 time in a row science fair champ (not anymore since it's not required) Im in le 8th grade and I take algebra 2 and biology, Honors English and world history 2 (despite me being really bad at history for some reason)
I still believe no matter how good you are, Whether you're smart or average,or , possibly slow, Just put some effort, respect your teachers, and listen. Everything will turn out great, Just never give up even if you might as well give up.
But then again, Im pretty dumb, listen to me or dont, you can do almost anything no matter what, Even if you're physically disabled, almost completely, you still have a chance.

With love,
(P.S. Take one of those cheeky IQ tests that purposly give you a high score to boost your morale. kek)
Last edited by woeb; Mar 16, 2016 at 05:24 AM. Reason: cus i can
I regret picking art for my gcse. It's sort of forced in to my life instead of it being a hobby thing

But yeah, I do good without revising, and I procrastinate quite a lot
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
How do you guys get good grades? Well, do YOU get good grades?
Mostly only an average grades, or maybe lower, usually depends on the subject. But actually I'm pretty bad at academic thing.

What are your work habits?
- Trying to find another way to finish it, even my own way makes the works more difficult.
- Work in one run, because it's pretty hard to make myself back to the work after I take a break from it. But yeah, this really force my self to work nonstop and sometimes I forgot about my condition.

Do you tend to procrastinate alot?
Yes. I just feel that my body and mind won't works when I'm not near the deadline. I don't know but I think this is related with the answer above.

Do you like studying?
No, especially if I don't have any interest to the subject.

How do you manage your time?
Pretty unorganized.

Do you think good grades really matter?
For me, no. But sadly in my country grade is almost everything to get a job. Mostly people here gonna see on your grades and education degree first, your skills are later. It's like a "ticket" which increase your chance pretty high to get a job.
[Steam] [Art] [Music]
I procrastinate a fucking ton, I don't study, and I do assignments on the last day til they're due, I still have good grades, A's and B's

gotta stick with that common core

grades is schools way of testing your intelligence, so to me, its not important. but if you wanna get into college, i suppose i should stick with what im doing

i spend my time quite poorly really, im either doing very little hw, playing toribash, playing brawlhalla and getting pissed off, or watching youtube
Last edited by Berzerk; Mar 20, 2016 at 11:12 AM.
Originally Posted by Abn0rmall View Post
I procrastinate a fucking ton, I don't study, and I do assignments on the last day til they're due, I still have good grades, A's and B's

If you're decently smart and can bust out work when required then this works fine. But in most cases uni/college is a decent step up from school and you're in for a nasty shock if you keep those habits.

But if it works out though then more power to you. I know that a little bit of stress/time pressure helps me work better but I wouldn't want to subject myself to the pressure of last day assignments.
In high school I did pretty awful. I went to a very elite private school that had nearly a 20% acceptance rate to Ivy League schools with 100% graduation rate with acceptance to college. Think I might have graduated bottom of my class. I was just too emotionally involved in other things and wasn't trying enough. Lots of procrastination and did they thing weak people do which was "if I don't try, nobody can make fun of me if I fail".

College was more of the same until I found the right major that excited me and had a girlfriend who motivated me. Went from a BC student to straight As, multiple president and deans list recipient. I worked so much harder when I cared about the material and embraced that failing is okay if you try, not the other way around. I still procrastinated, but I took pride in what I did.

I graduated my EMT program as president of the class for a similar reason, learning that material mattered. Studying mattered. There were real life ramifications if I didn't study, people could die if I didn't know the answer. Really motivating.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
In high school I did pretty awful. I went to a very elite private school that had nearly a 20% acceptance rate to Ivy League schools with 100% graduation rate with acceptance to college. Think I might have graduated bottom of my class. I was just too emotionally involved in other things and wasn't trying enough. Lots of procrastination and did they thing weak people do which was "if I don't try, nobody can make fun of me if I fail".

College was more of the same until I found the right major that excited me and had a girlfriend who motivated me. Went from a BC student to straight As, multiple president and deans list recipient. I worked so much harder when I cared about the material and embraced that failing is okay if you try, not the other way around. I still procrastinated, but I took pride in what I did.

I graduated my EMT program as president of the class for a similar reason, learning that material mattered. Studying mattered. There were real life ramifications if I didn't study, people could die if I didn't know the answer. Really motivating.

I disagree with your assertion primarily because of your demeanor throughout the entire passage. Goals can be met through hard work, determination, and basic locomotion skills (such as flying). I believe we are all more capable of succeeding if we lead some sort of group. All in all, just be like me, lead a Soundcloud rap group.
Shaken Baby Syndrome
How do you guys get good grades? Well, do YOU get good grades?
What are your work habits?

I do get good grades. I currently have a 4.3 GPA, as per the STEM system that is. I probably get good grades because I spend most of time studying and expanding my knowledge on whatever the fuck I feel like learning about. One day it's computer hardware, the next it's American politics. I always have to be learning something, or I feel like I'm being a lazy prick.

Do you tend to procrastinate alot?

It depends. I procrastinate when I feel no motivation to do whatever it is I want to do. When I start to feel stressed and this sense of becoming overwhelmed, I'll go into full-on mental breakdown mode where I won't get anything done. This usually comes from overstudying and not being able to grasp a core concept or foundation (usually something math related).

Do you like studying?

I like LEARNING. Studying isn't as tough as everyone makes it out to be. Studying shouldn't be memorizing something (usually), it should be understanding something. If you understand how a cell undergoes mitosis or some shit, you should be able to list the stages that each cell goes through to reach it's end goal.

How do you manage your time?

I don't really. I do it when I feel like it, but don't leave it until the last minute.

Do you think good grades really matter?

Yes yes yes yes yes. If you think that grades don't matter, you are out of your mind. Sure, you could go ahead and work a minimum-wage job for the rest of your life, and make a living off of that. Or, you could work as a doctor, surgeon, lawyer etc etc and make tons of money doing what you love. I've worked my ass off the past 3 years of my life, and am now looking at going to Stanford or CIT, the schools I've dreamed of going for a big portion of my life.

To be fair, going into a trade job also is a good option, but they tend to be pretty fucking boring imo.