Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
"Did you know" And beginner tips
Why aren't there beginner tips and funky facts about the game and the community being displayed ingame?

What I'm thinking is having a thin section of the ingame screen (particularly in multiplayer) display fun facts and beginner tips. These tips can help refer new players to the forum and let them explore the deeper parts of the community.


"Hector was awarded his own unique relax for being the first player ever to obtain all items."

"The forums are a great place to trade items, discuss strategies and showcase replays!"

"You can use the in-built modmaker to create and customize your own mods!"

"On the replay forums you can compete for large ammounts of Toricredits by beating in-game records!"

I don't see the negative implications of this and it should be really easy to implement.

I'm totally down with every suggestion as long as we get the idea out there I think this could be extremely beneficial to the community.

The game is slowly dying because very few players actually get to experience the depth of the game and just get bored of it after a short ammount of time.
Refering to things like huge feats of skill and ways to earn TC will make new players curious and eager to learn more, which in return helps the game grow and gives Hampa and the devs some coin in their pockets(Really big deal btw).
This is actually worth my time :O

All other online strategy based games have these types of hints and fun facts, so why shouldn't we?

I also recommend putting in the options the choice of having them on or off, because after a while they could get annoying haha
Origin For Life
If at least new players were directed (almost forced) upon the forum that would be great already.. As Mocu said in one of his videos, this place is the heart of Toribash, and if you don't come here you're missing a lot.

Little tips and bits of info can be a good idea too as long as it's not too intrusive. Perhaps in the multiplayer menu? Everytime you bring it up, there could be a new sentence somewhere at the top, on the right of "multiplayer" ? Or all the way at the bottom ? All this space is mostly white.
Last edited by DashSora; Apr 13, 2016 at 04:55 AM.
What I had suggested a long while ago was that random globals are sent out that give information to all servers about the game.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Best suggestion in a looooong time
Toribash is 100% game play and 741% community. I can't think of any other game that's ever existed with a warmer, more cozy community than that of Toribash and so we must do as much as possible to incorporate all players but newbies ESPECIALLY into the community so even if they do give up early - they might get back in the game because of community events and encouragement from other players. And if that doesn't do it than at least they might have made some good friends in the time they played, giving them a good overview of Toribash.
Couldn't Be More In Favor Of This
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Exactly what Hassan said

Toribash is all about the community and the game is much less fun to play alone
This needs to be a thing
These messages would be much more interesting than the "Waiting for your turn" text at the bottom of the screen. I was thinking that text could fade out and get replaced by a random tip every 15 seconds or so. To be really clear about what I mean here I'll show an example:

I think any other part of the screen would obstruct and look annoying, but if you have better ideas feel free to show visually where it could be.

A good way to push this through is if you made a list of these tips and maybe even categorize them in spirit of fade's idea (although I feel like this might be overkill).
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
These messages would be much more interesting than the "Waiting for your turn" text at the bottom of the screen. I was thinking that text could fade out and get replaced by a random tip every 15 seconds or so. To be really clear about what I mean here I'll show an example:

I think any other part of the screen would obstruct and look annoying, but if you have better ideas feel free to show visually where it could be.

A good way to push this through is if you made a list of these tips and maybe even categorize them in spirit of fade's idea (although I feel like this might be overkill).

Good idea of integration !

With jisse's approval, we could all post some "tips" here, and he could make a list of the ones he thinks are good on his first post?
This would be cool, so people wouldn't be fools. They'd know the rules. Instead of carrying around lies. Like pack mules.
Esoteric Badass