Original Post
ToriIRC - Beta
Hi guys,

We've just released a beta version of our new flash based chat service.

Head over to to test it.

If you have any problems, please tell us what it is.
Be sure to include the operating system, browser and flash version if you have a problem!

it doesn't work at me i think doesn't load

same stuff as Ishi
Basher515----10th Dan Black Belt
yeah D:

i tried it many times and it's still not working...

i refreshed it... didn't worked
just pressed connect... didn't worked
closed that tab and opened another one... didn't worked :<

EDIT: LOL IT WORKED (without any person in) when i right clicked on "Connect" and pressed play
Last edited by Basher515; Jun 13, 2008 at 12:03 PM.
Basher515----10th Dan Black Belt