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Juntalis's House of Employment
Okay, guys. We were talking and have come to the conclusion that while this community is awesome, we could make it even better. In turn, I've decided to establish: Juntalis's House of Employment. In the below fields, you will find jobs with cash incentives tacked on. To apply for one of these jobs, you need only to fill out a form I will have at the bottom of this post. Any replies made that do not include a filled out application will be deleted, and the user who makes said reply will be infracted. That is all.

Current Job Listings
You need not apply for this job. Just do it, and PM Juntalis.
Wiki Writers
Pay: 200TC - 2000TC
Description: This is one of the easiest jobs out there. You will write articles in the Toribash Wiki which can be found here. The only requirement is that the article must be at least 500 words long for you to be paid. Additionally, try to make it a decent article, at the very least. Including pictures is also a plus. You will be paid an amount depending on how good your article is.
Contact: Juntalis

Tournament Organizers
Pay: Set TC per Fighter. Will be negotiated.
Description: You will be in charge of setting up Nabi daily tournaments. Schedules, etc can be negotiated, and good GKs get rewards.
Contact: Shogan, Juntalis(Until we get it set up. When that happens, just Shogan.)


Position Applying for:
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc):
Why you want to do this job:
Last edited by Shogan; Jun 26, 2008 at 04:24 PM.
Name: H4rl3quin

Position Applying for: Tournament Organiser

Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I've held a comp of sorts within [NO], which went pretty smoothly.. I am well organised, pretty active, and I'll be around for quite a while.

Why you want to do this job: To do a bit more in the community, i'd like to have something more to do around TB. It doesent really matter to me, whether I can get tc for it or not; I'd just be doing it..for fun really.

References:I guess the guys at [NO] would back me up. Most people that I know well enough would probably agree that I'm up to the task.
Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
Name: PlayerID666
Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I've hosted tourneys before, and I know how to keep idiots under control.
Why you want to do this job: Organizers keep whining about how hard their job is.
References: You.

meh I think PID would be a good Tourney dude so seconded and on another matter will tourney org. get auth? if so we have enough just give out tourney jobs to the already TA's
Name: juo
Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I hosted tournaments before ( the riddle ones) and I think I am able to take care of some guys fighting each other. I also am judge of the huge torivideo contest of MisterSuperkarate with the one million tc prize.
Why you want to do this job: I have alot of time and I need something to do and I love creating contest :3.
References:Follwing guys are recommending me:
Delaid, Stonewall, Aaronsasori, Pirate, 3vi1, HebrewHamr
Last edited by juo; Jun 26, 2008 at 08:14 PM.
Good luck guys!
[ s p i r i t ]
wonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonk♥♥♥wonkwonkwon kwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonk

Name: Ragdollmaster

Position Applying for: Wiki Writer

Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I work for torinews and am a very experienced writer.

Why you want to do this job: Do some more for the community and earn a bit of extra cash, I suppose.

References: Torinews/Melmoth
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Name: SrgtCorn
Position Applying for: Wiki Writer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I've written Wiki's for other things before, and I'm a very good writer and explainer. I also have a very broad vocabulary. I am also a tech nerd, so I might be useful for writing tech support FAQ's or help articles.
Why you want to do this job: I like writing and anything that could help our dear community I am willing to do. I also wouldn't mind having some extra cash on hand.
References: Me, my english teachers, Soop, and some random other people.

EDIT: I've noticed that everyone that has signed up for Wiki Writer has slightly different specialties which could be very useful if combined.
Last edited by SrgtCorn; Jun 26, 2008 at 09:59 PM.
Name: kntornsrin

Position Applying For: Wiki Writer

Why you would be a good caandidate( Evperience, skills, etc): I have written wiki articles before, and I am very articulate. I have also written large papers for college revues and also I have written many thesis papers.

Why Do you want to do this job: I love writing, and whatever I can do to provide an example of good grammar to the toribash community is a win in my opinion.

References: My professors and teachers, NoFace(Toribashian), Clan wHo, and whoever thinks I have talents in writing.
[eVo]LtKenny- Huh... Cocks are fun to play with...
[eVo]LtKenny- If your name is Zackarie!
kntornsrin- Swing and a miss >.>
Name: ccliu

Position Applying for: Wiki Writer and Organizer

Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): Work good with people, excellent LA mark, Very organized and I also understand tasks well. My grammar is excellent as well. My knowledge of French might help some people if they don't understand the game in English.

Why you want to do this job: I have loads of spare time (70 - 120 hours a week) and usually I play CSS or toribash.

References: Me, Clans: RWL and Hurricane, my parents (=P)

Also, I can start the article right away.
Name: CMon
Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I am organized, disciplined, and I know the server commands relevant to this job. I am also creative, and I have a lot of ideas in my head, and I've launched many projects. I've participated in a lot of events and I've seen what to do and what not to do. I'm a nice person, and while I might not be the single most respected individual in the community, I'm not disliked.
Why you want to do this job: I would find organizing tourneys to be very entertaining. I've always wanted to arrange tourneys, but I've been prevented from doing so due to me not being rich or having many items, and I feel like I could really use Nabi's support in order to arrange a good event.
References: 3vi1, Delaid, Jarmund, ManBreakFast, Psy-T
Last edited by CMon; Jun 26, 2008 at 08:37 PM.

Name: Tiebasher
Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I make deals very much and i am very negotiable about prices and terms.
Why you want to do this job: I could use the extra ToriCredits, and i believe this job would help me along my way in the ranks.
References: DarkSeraph, PNUT (if he still plays), Blindragon667, and Daxx777 are all friends of mine and can say that i am a good person.

Hope i get the job. thx.
Last edited by Tiebasher; Jun 26, 2008 at 08:35 PM.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D