Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Kunamikaii View Post

I would think morals come from our personality. It also depends on what we believe, which just so happens to relate very much to morals. I think, what kind of person we are can define our morals. For example, I'm a good person, so I won't kick that puppy. Also, I'm a bad person, so I will kick that puppy. Something like that. Idk just thinking of random shet. BUT THEN! Our personality is made up with our morals. This is sorta the way I see it. I would "see how deep the rabbit hole goes", to quote Alice in Wonderland, but it's complicated and I don't feel like going through it because it's 12:01 AM and I'm tired.

So our personality makes our morals, and our morals make our personality. Got it ;)
I wont actually go further into it because you did say that you didn't want to. If you change your mind, feel free to let me know.

Originally Posted by LaSer38 View Post
a litlle try (sorry if is use froglish) :

for me moral come to our parents or of those educate us.They define what is 'bad' and what is 'good' it's my eyesight of the moral.BUT,the society background have a important bias on it.for exemple if you live in a global insecurity your morality can fall down (unless if like i said before your parents had given to you some strong principe ).

in conclusion for me morality not depend to what kind of person you are but what kind of people are around you (in majority), Because we are a social species we must to adapt some things (like the moral) to according to the others (it's a bit sheep princip i know but the more you are alone the less you can survive or be strong etc..)

hope you have understand me guys ^^' (i have simplified my idea the maximum i can to be understand so that seems to be kid thinking sry)

Alright, so from that I'm gathering that you think we have no inherent morality (No morals within us), only a vague sense or desire to make the world safer? Carrying on from that desire, we reinforce behavior that keeps us safe and punish behavior that doesn't?
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Originally Posted by AikidoKP View Post
Alright, so from that I'm gathering that you think we have no inherent morality (No morals within us), only a vague sense or desire to make the world safer? Carrying on from that desire, we reinforce behavior that keeps us safe and punish behavior that doesn't?

In fact.In our society we punish peoples with bad behavior and valorised people that have a good behavior (by the different laws for a example) and we hope that by this system there are less 'bad' actions.But 'we are responsible of our acts only if we are the natural cause of them*' ( Aristote 'ethics to nicomaque' ).So it's not really your moral that define what kind of person you are,it's how you react to external pressure (good or bad pressure) and how inwardly you can resist to this.

so yeah aikido for me it's not really a 'morality' that we have it's just a choice to be 'good' or 'bad' and that choice depend to how we behave compared with other peoples.

*i think that can be a interesting debate for later : D
French Froggy
Laser in My opinion, the choice maters on your maturity. My mom is a psychologist, I'm interested in that subject, and from my experience, it really matters on your exp. from childhood. If you have violence in your house, or if your parents are alcolics, probably in futute you can choose way of life they've choosen.
Originally Posted by LaSer38 View Post
In fact.In our society we punish peoples with bad behavior and valorised people that have a good behavior (by the different laws for a example) and we hope that by this system there are less 'bad' actions.But 'we are responsible of our acts only if we are the natural cause of them*' ( Aristote 'ethics to nicomaque' ).So it's not really your moral that define what kind of person you are,it's how you react to external pressure (good or bad pressure) and how inwardly you can resist to this.

so yeah aikido for me it's not really a 'morality' that we have it's just a choice to be 'good' or 'bad' and that choice depend to how we behave compared with other peoples.

We do not reward people who follow laws, unless you count not going to jail as a reward. Seems silly to do that though, so I'll assume you aren't.

Ah, nice to see someone who has a background in this =)

It's also interesting to see you define morality as reacting to good and bad pressure. What makes this pressure good or bad? If that is the base that we define our "good/bad" behavior on, then what possible definition can we give to that pressure?
Using your example only pushes the question back one step. What makes the pressure good or bad?

Same goes for the "it's just a choice to be 'good' or 'bad'..."
What makes that choice good? What makes it bad? Why is it good/bad?

Originally Posted by Demonzo View Post
Laser in My opinion, the choice maters on your maturity. My mom is a psychologist, I'm interested in that subject, and from my experience, it really matters on your exp. from childhood. If you have violence in your house, or if your parents are alcolics, probably in futute you can choose way of life they've choosen.

Behavioral psychology deals with the way people are, not the way people ought to be.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Originally Posted by AikidoKP View Post
We do not reward people who follow laws, unless you count not going to jail as a reward. Seems silly to do that though, so I'll assume you aren't.

We rewards people follow laws,distinctions etc.. For exemple you got cash when you denounce somebody to the law.

Originally Posted by AikidoKP View Post
It's also interesting to see you define morality as reacting to good and bad pressure. What makes this pressure good or bad? If that is the base that we define our "good/bad" behavior on, then what possible definition can we give to that pressure?
Using your example only pushes the question back one step. What makes the pressure good or bad?

Same goes for the "it's just a choice to be 'good' or 'bad'..."
What makes that choice good? What makes it bad? Why is it good/bad?

i have used inappropriate words it's not pressures it's forces (internal and external) and by definition a force is a neutral : she can be god or bad.So the choice is not 'good' or 'bad' it adapt just to the constraint of the forces
French Froggy
We rewards people follow laws,distinctions etc.. For exemple you got cash when you denounce somebody to the law.

I'm pretty sure that's only if they have a bounty on their head. Atleast in the U.S.A, that's how it is.

i have used inappropriate words it's not pressures it's forces (internal and external) and by definition a force is a neutral : she can be god or bad.So the choice is not 'good' or 'bad' it adapt just to the constraint of the forces

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥((((/\/\WOLFE ORKO/\/\))))♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Originally Posted by LaSer38 View Post
We rewards people follow laws,distinctions etc.. For exemple you got cash when you denounce somebody to the law.

Originally Posted by Kunamikaii View Post
I'm pretty sure that's only if they have a bounty on their head. Atleast in the U.S.A, that's how it is.


There's no actual reward beyond turning in a bounty, and I'm pretty sure that most countries don't do that any more.
On the flip side of that, when you turn somebody in, you then have to watch out for any sort of retaliation from that person.

Originally Posted by LaSer38 View Post
i have used inappropriate words it's not pressures it's forces (internal and external) and by definition a force is a neutral : she can be god or bad.So the choice is not 'good' or 'bad' it adapt just to the constraint of the forces

I may be misunderstanding this one. Are you saying what we call "good" and "bad" is simply a response to outside pressures and limits?
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Originally Posted by AikidoKP View Post

There's no actual reward beyond turning in a bounty, and I'm pretty sure that most countries don't do that any more.
On the flip side of that, when you turn somebody in, you then have to watch out for any sort of retaliation from that person.

a other better example :P at class good student are rewarding with goods marks appreciations,encouragements etc..bad students take warnings,punishment etc.. ok ?
Originally Posted by AikidoKP View Post
I may be misunderstanding this one. Are you saying what we call "good" and "bad" is simply a response to outside pressures and limits?

yup, at the beginning a pressure is totally neutral,But she can have a power on us.Yhat's compelled us to have a reaction and peoples make the more easy choice (in general) that can be 'good' or 'bad'.
French Froggy
Originally Posted by LaSer38 View Post
a other better example :P at class good student are rewarding with goods marks appreciations,encouragements etc..bad students take warnings,punishment etc.. ok ?

School =/= Society

If only this was the case. Unfortunately, once we're out in the real world, there's no reward for following the laws.
If you're interested in it, check out social contract theory.

It works off the basis that people are more likely to be motivated by fear of punishment rather than a potential reward.

example: You're more likely to help someone who fell down if there was the threat of getting shot if you didn't rather than helping them because it's the "right" thing to do.

Originally Posted by LaSer38 View Post
yup, at the beginning a pressure is totally neutral,But she can have a power on us.Yhat's compelled us to have a reaction and peoples make the more easy choice (in general) that can be 'good' or 'bad'.

I agree to a certain extent. The outside pressure (assuming it's natural) is completely neutral. We only assign a "good" or "bad" label after. So this brings us back to the start, what makes it good or bad? ;)
(Correct me if I'm wrong, but you did say that "good" and "bad" was decided by the pressures.)

Originally Posted by Demonzo View Post
Aikido maybe yes, But i still think that our mind and decisions are based on our psychic.


I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this. Are you saying people have psychic abilities? Or did you mean "psyche"? (If yes for "psyche", then it's two different fields of study)
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.