but we are talking about wuhsu...
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by Smogard49 View Post

On the other hand, Deprav wins most games between us lately, (i think my skills have decreased lately due to a lot of things IRL), but about a year ago we worked like a team when we played, constantly trading blows without fracturing each other to badly and without one side overwhelming the other.

But i must add; I am still in love with 2k brushu without DM and frac as those games often end up with me taking the game more seriously in the later half, but to bad noone wants 2k games anymore...

To Summarize: The old days where way better.

We can still play some hardcore 2k brushu Smoggy <3
So, 18 months ago when I first time played wushu, I've met Deprav. In my opinion, he was playing like a god. And I tried to do same things like him. It was great expirience for me. And then, 2-3 weeks ago I met Snunge, he played great and it was pleasure to play with him.
Guys, who pushed me to the limit were Deprav and Snudge.
Last edited by Elate; Jul 11, 2012 at 01:07 PM.
My favorite opponent is snudge. He is one of the best wushu player and with him interesting play
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Two people who got me to be the high level Wushu player I am today are Nikelaos and Odlov.

I had to do the weirdest and most difficulty training with Nikelaos to learn how to play very relaxed. This includes no grab sumo aikido (with wrist dq), challenging long engage distance. Bottom line: he taught me the mod.

but on the other hand:

Once I learned Wushu, Odlov was my biggest rival. I dueled him approximately 7 times or so. What was incredibly frustrating about him was his ability to be so defensive while creating forward momentum. It was hard, but I eventually would on and off win against him. That's why today I have the privilege of wearing his old set.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
^ That set is like a trophy, being one of the few to beat Odlov in a duel. Whether you were the only one, I'm unsure, but it's definitely probable.

Other than my desire to join Alpha, what pushed me most was trying to best Odlov, a kind of similar story to Hax. I also dueled him, but I only once, and lost. Since I played Odlov a lot, I was forced to learn how to beat him, and do so as consistently as possible. This has somewhat given me a sort of edge when an opponent of mine chooses to play defensive. Well that's me sharing.
/stories from the past
..No, not again dad!
This'll be a long, long, story..

Anyways, I started playing wushu back in the "golden days" of 2.x. Back then wushu was.. Well, different. Openers were the main thing in wushu and everything was about 'em.

Back then mained wushu, and I still recall two really good wushuers with who I played countless games of wooshoo. Those guys were Nighend (TW Hall of Famer) and Spider (The Torigod). They pushed me around, forcing me to perfect my openers and skills required at wushu.

This was way before the new wave of wushuers and the Renaissance of wooshoo.

After the new(-old) wave I played wushu much less than before (Imsku, Yosaku and Rocker got me hooked on TK). But back then the guys who could really push me were Kamiko and Kala. (Okay, most of the old wushu crew should be mentioned here, but...)

From the new(-new) wave people who can show me how bad I really am are Snudge and Begotten. It's like throwing 42 midgets against a lion. fairly hilarious, but doesn not end well for the midgets (or me)..
clean speech> kamiko and 0815rocker (also nikelaos, he was my teacher actually)
Last edited by XaruS; Jul 12, 2012 at 10:33 AM.
Well, I started in early 2009, thanks to verax or maybe rather thanks to watching his duels with Kamiko. They're dueling quite a lot, both at around same lvl of abilitites, great matches to watch. I don't even know why he's not in HoF. Every single fight I had with him was a hard time. As I'm around here for a while as well, I remember fighting pretty much all ralians and Alpha guys, that was always fun, not like I was able to win more than 3 fights of out 10 back then.
Then, middle-late 2010 comes, when I was in my best shape. In this period of time, Thrandir (great guy, imo at least top3 back then) and those 2k frames matches were way to go. Shitloads of comebacks, hits, fracs and fun.
Then I had a longer break and you can call me wushu potato.
Also, Will and Beg are always fun to play with.
Well Verax was good (even if imo neither barely near to kamiko, that for me is the best of all time),but also a lot of other people should be in the fame only for the skills..i tried to put only who really signed this mod, and so who dedicated himself mostly to this mod.Also blahaa was really really good, and also lolek. But idk..imo they played for too few time for sign definitely this mod. But maybe i'm wrong...what a bout a poll maybe?
Last edited by bRuCiA; Jul 12, 2012 at 01:59 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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