I'd love to but I don't even know how to record them. xD I don't play her often anyway. I usually play Tracer or Widowmaker. D:
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Oh, I have OBS, I just don't know how well it'll record OW. I used to use it to record other games that used less power by rendering with my GPU.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Blizzard Battle Tag: Yandlerr
Overbuff Profile Link ( that’s my old ps4 one, now I use PC so:
Rank: I got to diamond somehow on PS4 (thanks soldier 76) but I’m unranked and bad
Platform (PC, Xbox One, PS4): PS4
Region (Americas, Europe, Asia): Europe

I saw this and it made me wanna start playing overwatch again soooo here I am
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