Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Winver View Post
Lex you are very wrong. You more than anyone that you cried Samui best that the whole clan alpha rvesh, like most Tlcux.Tlcux tried to reassure you and say all because there is, and you're hysterical began yelling obscenities at all. He threw you and the server. Mad Dog did not say anything to the account of the fact that he is the best in the clan, it's all you have to invent.Tlcux right thing, for such behavior in general, you should baned.

Rvesh means rape

P.s. This guy one of those who have seen all.

P.s. Was Clanwar MMvsBtC. After Lex lost the duel. He started insulting everyone, including players from his clan. A pity that I do not have screenshots
Last edited by TIcux; Jan 24, 2010 at 11:12 PM.
Lexx, are you stupid? You're just in rage and you're boasting that you're better than TIcux.
Btw, TIcux was right.
|Windows Belt 10| |Damned Leader| |Ex-GameKeeper-2010| |RUTori| |Á¸² ÅùÁ|
|Ex-ClanSquad-2018| |20% Cooler than you| |1st nick - Major|

btw, this guy wanted join Alpha about 6 months ago.
It is not the first time he was implicated in cases of this kind. The next time it will be necessary to make a couple of screenshots.
Last edited by TIcux; Jan 24, 2010 at 11:25 PM.
Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
[Alpha]TIcux thinks he is the coolest of alpha.
And he is not responsible for the words that he said. I would like to duel him in wushu. 100k+
And for that:
[Alpha]TIcux has banned player [MM]Lexx
Kicked: (Banned)
Is that discipline? -I don't think so.
The only thing that i want to say,that he is a bitch,that thinks he is the best player of your clan,people,i think this is ridicolous...
I hope he'll think of what he has done.
For that foolish person- TIcux:
Im i13Rk - Changed my nickname to Lexx. Master belt.

lol wtf

sup Alpha
how you doin etc

Firstly, I am sorry that I'm invading your humble board, but I wanted to say a thing about Lexx.

Lexx is probably one of those who think of only WINNING, WINNING, WINNING, WINNING.......
WINNING at any cost. No respect to the opponent.

I remember in Ultimate Wushu when I was fighting him.
I accidentally pushed him away, and that's where all that insulting started.
Insulting about how I'm a super noob who always runs away and uses noob moves.
There were some other people who said to him that I wasn't running, but Lexx just said boldly a big "FUCK YOU" to their faces.
Eventually, the match ended by me winning. After the match, he just kept saying stuff like "die tonakai" etc.
And eventually I had to lose, too, and then he was all kissing that person's ass who beat me. "extremely good job" or something like that.

Well, he got to fight again, and he lost yet again. His opponent said "gg", he responded with "shit game".
His opponent said "well, I said it just for respect", and he responded with "I don't respect anyone", and left.

I thought about taking screenshots of this... Incident, but I thought that meh, nobody would care.
Now I regret it.

...It's funny how such a person actually got in MM.

Again, I hope you guys don't mind me invading.