Alright next useless post will result in the closure of this thread. Aye?
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Just because we are less intelligent does not mean our posts are useless. :c
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
WARNING: Actual discussion inbound:
Mind if i butt in here?

Originally Posted by Nickone
Considering the fact that humans made up the concept of time, basing it off of our own planet, would it be justifiable to say that time did not exist

Ok, to answer the very first post about time not existing, in short, it does.
If time is a concept that humans made up, it still exists as a progression of one moment to the next. If you think of it as a concept then that's where you have your debate.

However, time in itself if more than just a concept of linear progression of seconds, it's measurement which exists just as much as centimeters do, or degrees centigrade.
As a way of quantifying something.
e.g in chemistry you can have the amount of a substance (moles) reacting per second to find a comparable rate of reaction.
Without the time factor, you'd be pretty much unable to determine that. Or any "rates" really.

Originally Posted by Nickone
Where does every second that passes go?

Well that as a question doesn't make much sense. It doesn't 'go' anywhere, it simply passes.
If you think of time as a linear progression, then you can argue it just stays there, and all the time that's passes has done just that, passed, but remained at it's point long the timeline.
So that, hypothetically speaking, if one were to "go back in time" to that point, it would be the same, and everything would exist as it is in that moment, like a frame in a movie.

BUT, we do see things slightly delayed, the amount of time it takes for the light to reach our eyes. However miniscule that value may be, we do technically look at the past.
A more extreme example of this would be stars millions of kilometers away.
The time it takes for the light to travel to us means we're seeing the star as it was thousands of years ago, it's the same effect just teeny-tiny.
While that doesn't exactly answer any kind of question, it does debatably waver that point from the argument, showing time does not simply "vanish" once passed. I guess it depends upon which theories you subscribe to.

So yeah, not sure what else I can say on the matter.
To sum up, I'm essentially saying that time is a qualitative value giving to the pass of... well... time, in such a way that it has to exist just as any other measurement does.

EDIT: Also hey David \o/
Last edited by Erth; Oct 26, 2012 at 10:17 PM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
WARNING: Actual discussion inbound:
Mind if i butt in here?

Ok, to answer the very first post about time not existing, in short, it does.
If time is a concept that humans made up, it still exists as a progression of one moment to the next. If you think of it as a concept then that's where you have your debate.

However, time in itself if more than just a concept of linear progression of seconds, it's measurement which exists just as much as centimeters do, or degrees centigrade.
As a way of quantifying something.
e.g in chemistry you can have the amount of a substance (moles) reacting per second to find a comparable rate of reaction.
Without the time factor, you'd be pretty much unable to determine that. Or any "rates" really.

Well that as a question doesn't make much sense. It doesn't 'go' anywhere, it simply passes.
If you think of time as a linear progression, then you can argue it just stays there, and all the time that's passes has done just that, passed, but remained at it's point long the timeline.
So that, hypothetically speaking, if one were to "go back in time" to that point, it would be the same, and everything would exist as it is in that moment, like a frame in a movie.

BUT, we do see things slightly delayed, the amount of time it takes for the light to reach our eyes. However miniscule that value may be, we do technically look at the past.
A more extreme example of this would be stars millions of kilometers away.
The time it takes for the light to travel to us means we're seeing the star as it was thousands of years ago, it's the same effect just teeny-tiny.
While that doesn't exactly answer any kind of question, it does debatably waver that point from the argument, showing time does not simply "vanish" once passed. I guess it depends upon which theories you subscribe to.

So yeah, not sure what else I can say on the matter.
To sum up, I'm essentially saying that time is a qualitative value giving to the pass of... well... time, in such a way that it has to exist just as any other measurement does.

EDIT: Also hey David \o/

Alright mr smart lots of words using guy, how were timelines set then? why does australia have to be theoretically speaking in the future to the united states etc?
If you mean time zones then that's just a manipulation of time to suit the position of the sun relative to different positions of the globe.
1 second passing in Australia is equivalent to 1 second passing in America, that second is just defined as a different time due to the different positions on the planet that it is observed in, but it's still the same second.

I guess you could call it the perception of time varying around the same moment(?)

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
The time it takes for the light to travel to us means we're seeing the star as it was thousands of years ago, it's the same effect just teeny-tiny.

Yup. This also means that a lot of stars we can see have already supernova'd all over the place (and thus died). Which is kind of weird to think about.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Also hey David \o/

Hi Erth. :D
How's life treating ya'?
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
Well said, Erth. It's pretty much what I said, only very detailed.
It's good to see there is someone with a high intellectual ability. A man I understand.

Also, the sunlight that we see on earth takes 8 minutes to travel between the sun and earth, so if the sun were to suddenly extinguish, we would see it only after 8 minutes.
However, the sunlight that we actually see is over 10000 years old, because that's how long it takes to travel from the sun's core to the outside.

There's a little space-talk for you, kids.
David Moderated Message:
I don't mean to boast, but I'm a god.
Originally Posted by Phillip View Post
Well said, Erth. It's pretty much what I said, only very detailed.
It's good to see there is someone with a high intellectual ability. A man I understand.

Also, the sunlight that we see on earth takes 8 minutes to travel between the sun and earth, so if the sun were to suddenly extinguish, we would see it only after 8 minutes.
However, the sunlight that we actually see is over 10000 years old, because that's how long it takes to travel from the sun's core to the outside.

There's a little space-talk for you, kids.

In case you were refering to me, I wasn't talking about our sun.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad