Endurance Onslaught 6.0

Sorry but that was kinda a lazy app and shoveling dosent take much skill so Denied
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
I liked the app, if you want to test soon I can, but just remember that we are being very strict since we are high on members and only need the best and funnest players in toribash. If you think that is you find one of our members and ask for a test.
When I played you, you weren't too good at ABD of aikido. Also I suck at judo mods and I beat you there countless times. For now you have been DENIED!
Last edited by PimpKilla; Feb 7, 2015 at 07:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.
hello, im BquadZ7550 and, WAPOW
my favorite mod is judo, but I'm pretty much good at anything with dq, abd, judo, ..., not mushu, I'm decent at tk, and I'm pretty good at greykido, and those are my mod specialties. what i have to offer to WAPOW is that i could benefit in wars and i do my best to make people laugh I've been silently supporting the wars I've seen you guys play and you have some amazing players! i play very often and i also check the forums and pms, i play a lot so i do have some experience, even though I'm mostly an sp player, i transfer a lot of techniques to mp. my real life hobbies include hip hop dancing, parkour, and hanging out with friends. WAPOW


oh, and the one that says devils mouth, its an sp replay, but its my favorite one in a while so i wanted to show it
Attached Files
SAVE.rpl (57.3 KB, 9 views)
banf.rpl (43.9 KB, 4 views)
M - Devil's Mouth.rpl (366.7 KB, 11 views)
saaaaave.rpl (32.8 KB, 3 views)
decap abd.rpl (46.4 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by BquadZ7550; Feb 8, 2015 at 12:25 AM.
And now the recruitment train begins.
Hello everyone, I was just going to post my WAPOW application, that helped to get me into the clan along with my skills. I hope this helps you guys out when you are making your own applications!

WAPOW Application- HiddenVoid
ingame name: HiddenVoid
nationality: American (USA)
Belt: Blue
Best mods: ABD,TPLmodv12,boxshu_mushu_v3
worst mods: pretty much any jousting mods
Old Clan: TheGod

Hey there everyone! Why do I want to join WAPOW? Well, in any and every game I play I love to have a group, or at least some friends to play with. This one is no different. WAPOW seems like a pretty awesome clan, and from your clan page, also pretty friendly. Why do you want me? I am very outgoing, love teamwork and group activities. I consider myself alright at toribash even though I have only had the game for two or so months. I know that I am better than any legit(not alt) blue belt I have ever seen. Not trying to brag. What do I do In real life? I practice parkour and freerunning daily, I skateboard, and go shooting when I can. I am 13 going on 14, and play regularly after 4 PM eastern time. Weekends are when I am most active. My skype name is puffsyspuff(I got it from a tissue box sitting on my desk, dont judge.) My real name is Tommy. On toribash I like to host betting servers and definitely don't mind sharing. I train when I can, but spend most of my time learning my moves online rather than in freeplay. I'm looking forward to hopefully joining you guys(and girls)! Also, I forgot to mention, I post on the forums every so often, buy things on the market rather than torishop, and reply to my PMS!
Last edited by Kiss; Feb 8, 2015 at 04:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

I don't know if you're trolling or not, That was very disgusting app. No
♦ "thx bananas my love" -Shakky ♦
[TA] || ♪♪ Popping pills is all we know ♪♪ || [TA]
Hai WAPOW I hope me eating a doughnut while making this application will not affect my chances of getting in. My favorite mods are wushu, mushu, judo, and judofrac. I'm a brown belt and my alt is a orange belt. I'm active on the forums and I've had Toribash since 2008, but I started to play on the steam version so it probably says different :P. I play on Toribash almost daily now.My Skype username is Bobguy521 if you want to add me as a contact. My steam account is bobguy521... Notice the difference :P. My alt username is Gr8Gam3r. I used to be the co-leader of a clan but the leader had control of everything and declared war on everyone. I'm not the greatest at spar but I can YouTube Run and get back to my opponent. In real life I'm good at parkour and I don't play any sports. I skateboard and I sit in my room and play video games all day pretty much. I'm active on the forums and I respond to my PMs. I would really like to join WAPOW thanks. Btw I'm 12. Heres a pic of my Toribash character as of now.
Attached Images
screenshot-08-10-32-44.jpg (5.8 KB, 18 views)
Last edited by Bobguy521; Feb 11, 2015 at 02:41 AM.
per2509's Application
My name is Per (Per2509)

I am very active ingame, basically everyday Toribash life so, it's extremely
hard not to play it. Ingame activity would be a 10 or higher.

As for my forum activity it would be 4 because I don't see many interesting
topics on the forum or "Eye-Catchers" besides events. But when something does catch my eye that's like my chat room in a sense.

Per2509 (About me)
I am currently 16 years old been an athlete my whole entire life which includes football (American Football), boxing, and TKD (Taekwondo). I've always loved things that gave me adrenaline or rush type feeling so that's how I was introduced to these sports, before my recent accident I had just got into tricking which is a awesome feeling I love the wind flowing throw my hair and crashing into my body sounds weird. But because of sports injuries of course I wanted to go back immediately but sadly couldn't like when I tore my acl.
So I search the internet for games to play that could satisfy my lust of a "good ass time" and toribash came up didn't know what it was but I seen one of Mocu's videos where people were sparring, tricking, parkour and etc. In my mind I'm like wow this is fucking awesome. But being me needing to know how it's played I looked up a review of the game and found out you use your joints to do all the cool stuff so I was like woah this might get intense. I decided to download it and that's where I took off.

Per2509's favorite Mods are:
Spar, ABD and Parkour maps related, but I love tricking Q~Q

Skills I wish I possessed:
I'm learning to make texture which could be useful for everyone if I ever master Gimp. Also I'm trying to get into video editing while I'm recovering.

Reason for joining [WAPOW]:
I want to become a member of WAPOW because sadly Menace died and I need a good clan that surrounds me with people that I can help grow and could do the same for me.

Relationships within [WAPOW]:
I don't really know you guys that good but iv'e played with you guys in game and I think I know some of you.

Per will attempt to Bring to [WAPOW]:
I can offer my Experience and knowledge which everyone most likely wouldn't benefit from. Also I would like to offer the skills I am trying to build which could bring alot of Tc to the bank of WAPOW because having tc isn't a Crime.
Subscribe to my youtube channel
To apply for the clan

Hello ! i'm use translate google for app because i'm french and i'm speack french like a baby, I hope that this does not bother you.

My real name is jonathan (I'm 13 years old), the game is jojombella. So I want to offer a WAPOW an active player who may be able to get the clan prmiére position, a very good judo player and can Akido big dojo, I am also a player to spar and parkour (not super strong non more). My preferred game mode is judo, I play a Toribash minimum 2 hours per day. No I post rarely posts on the forum. If I talk about my experience on the games I risk can be venter of me but it does not matter, so I often make whirls I particularly often wins his depent the player in the tournament before I was in the clan TEKKEN but I leave to join a clan or harder I am on to never leave him.

Although I am French I may as well give you my skype: jonathan Mbella Mbappe or The Golden Master (my picture is Toribash screen). I'm in college and I especially love to skate.

I think I responded to all your questions and wish you a good day. thank you Krulls.

first of all your already in a clan, and second this is copy and pasted from our last thread here so Denied
Last edited by Flames; Feb 8, 2015 at 07:43 PM.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Update First Post
I have just updated the first post of this thread.
Don't forget to read the Guidelines carefully before you apply.