Welcome back kaio!
But where do we go; When our eyes catch fire by satellite; How do we know; That this love won't hurt like cyanide
What is your name in real life: Maks
What is your name in-game:MaKsWeLL77
How many time do you spend in-game:Every day 3-6 hours
how many time do you spend in-forums:Every day 2-3 hours
What is your belt: Black 2dan
What is you best mod: Judo
Why do you wanna join? I'm looking for really great clan, but i didn't have luck before, so i really hope to join. I can also make discounts to clanmates when i make textures for them.
What is you GMT: +2
Why do you think that you are [PsY] material: Cause i believe that in this clan my toribash skill can improve and improve faster
Show us 3 single player replays and 3 multiplayer replays ( the multiplayer replays have to be in your best mode ):
With what you can help the clan? : I can make textures for other players and help with your textures
What was your post clans? There was only one -yakuza. Then i decided to go up in toribash.

I have many replays but the funniest is DOUBLE LOL. here they are:
P.S. IDK how to attach files so here is the link:
Last edited by MaKsWeLL77; Nov 5, 2011 at 09:35 PM.
What is your name in real life:ramiro
What is your name in-game:ramiroevil
How many time do you spend in-game:3-8 hours
how many time do you spend in-forums:3-8 hours
What is your belt: 5 dan belt
What is you best mod: aikibigdojo
Why do you wanna join? because I have friends latinsnake, chus and I like the best. and that this clan is very active and I like being active and I watch this clan is truly united and fantastic
Why do you think that you are [PsY] material:I have alot of friends here
Show us 3 single player replays and 3 multiplayer replays ( the multiplayer replays have to be in your best mode ):
patada en la cabeza.rpl


aventando brazo.rpl



With what you can help the clan? innovations could help and suggestions
What was your post clans?kame

I say yes but you have to improve your sp skills. ANd other thing i hate the colours well not hate but i dislike. Please if you are going to use colours just for importants things.
From me no to MaKsWeLL77. And guys I don't know what to say for ramiroevil, I know him, and I saw how is he playing on aikido bd and he isn't very good for 5dan. He is also lift kicker.