Originally Posted by LadyDEATH View Post
XD yeah I love Gir =D I worship ftw. Stop by sometime watashime =D

Ohk >_>... I'm presuming the directions involve taking a right at Invader Zim, a left at 'DOODIE-DOODIE' Str. and keep going until I reach LaLaLand ave.

P.S. I'm back sooner than i thought I'd be. XD
I am neither a sheep, nor am I a lion
Edit (10 years later): Damn, I was an edgy sellout...
Oh in seeing this I reAlized ... Sorry I wasn't on today for very long I got called in for a gig with a big swing band haha so that took up my night and tommorow I am away for a music comp and shopping so ya tommorow night and the next day ill be on
Gonna be gone for Mon-tues, then Thursday morn i might be leaving for maui till sunday.


PLayin all weekend tho, so cya guys in game
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
Ok so someone pm me when there on cuz no one is right now and Im going to leave to watch the dark knight on my tv but ill check in on my ipod and then come on
Night night all! Had a busy weekend, thanks for bearing with me =D

I'll be online more tomorrow morning and after work. Also on tuesday I'm off =3.

I'll be gone Friday-Monday though, =/ going to visit my girlfriend's parents =D
(Hive people only, haha!)
I will be gone April 18- May 8. I won't be able to get ingame but I might check the forums once in awhile.