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Nuclear Bomb!
I think when the game ends there could be like a cutscene of like a nuclear bomb dropping into the dojo and like destroying the tori's and it would look really cool!
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Great idea!

If you have any other ideas for win animations post them here!
There's a problem with that... After the match is over the Tori's become unbreakable. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

That and you can probably find a mod maker to create something like this.
That would be super cool.
it could cost like 1,000,000 Tc so it doesn't get old watching a nuke fall from the sky and completly destroy everything.
i like it, Suppoted.
Its Pronounced Zerk-See's ┌∩┐(-_-)┌∩┐
I mean it could be an animation cutscene, it wouldn't be like in the toribash replay maker or something, I can't really explain it, but it wouldn't be part of the gameplay, just a custom animation..

Sorry if this doesn't make sense.
I think it is too classic,Toribash is a fighting game,but not a shooting,modern war fighting,that will change the whole theme,and I don't like that for my opinion.

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