Endurance Onslaught 6.0
^ i would take that over endless boredom. Nails grow back, and they do have dentures. No one would be able to tell lol.
Redbull Gave Me Wings
A life with boredom, is no life at all.

It really depends how, long will this boredom be?

if it's forever then I truly think that, thats the worst punishment for a human being.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz
I agree with you Empire.I've seen what they've done in jail.You spend like 24 hours into a small dark cell with an iron door. No sunlight no nothing.You just sit there and I've heared it drives you crazy and you literally turn mad.The only time you see sunlight is when you they come and give you food.This is acctually a torture method to get answers out of you.
I would think that endless anything would suck.

Endless pain is painful
Endless droning is boring
Endless sadness is sad etc.

But it depends what your doing during your monotomous life. Am I saving the world from cancer? Or merely checking groceries?

I'd think that if you were so brainwashed to the point where you could only feel one emotion (assuming it is an emotion) Would it really be that bad?
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Sooner or later, you'll get used to boredom. Take prisoners, for example. Every day, they sit in 6x8 cubes. Pretty boring, eh? I think any type of pain is a better punishment.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else