Make this a replay thread now. If anyone has replays, put 'em here.
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
Me and my friends where talking once and we thought of the BEST IDEA EVER FOR A SPARRING MAP! A spar on a MOVING plane! Hopefully you can do dis!
I remember that conversation. •-• I really hope its possible xD
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Originally Posted by HolotorSux View Post
Me and my friends where talking once and we thought of the BEST IDEA EVER FOR A SPARRING MAP! A spar on a MOVING plane! Hopefully you can do dis!

well, just like any other mod with a moving vehicle, youd most likely fall off. im having anditsgone make a sparring mod with a plane crash site... it will be twice as fun as riding a plane.
Fontastic!!! AUTSTANDING!!! PURFECT!!!

Mod is cool man! I also like your spars! Give me a tut on how you do them

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]