Last day on the earth.Meteor will hit the earth.Toribashian freak out and people are scared.But not for long.Bravest people on the earth gather together and find a way to destroy the meteor.And they did.They are called by people the brave.

I think I could do better story, and It doesn't need spoiler.
Here is my go
It was the start of the apocalypse, and all hope was lost. The zombies roamed the street, starving for human flesh. The never stop searching for blood, they are constantly hungry and never sleep. Thousands of the wander the street, eating any unfortunate humans they come across. Most people have been bitten, and transformed into the living dead, and some have taken their own lives, they where weak, tired and scared. Except one group of people, they where strong, smart and powerful. They where not like any other humans. They believed in themselves, they where positive. They where [B]Brave. But they got overruled. The zombies took over, the zombies had broken in their makeshift saftey barrier and killed them all. Expect one. His name was Swaves, the last remaining member of [B] Brave. He set of around the world finding the remaining human beings on the planet, Only The strongest, Bravest, Smartest and Skill of the remaining humans where let In the Tribe of Brave. And to this day, he is still roaming around, looking for people worthy to join his tribe.
Make the dsc look better, unbold it, add a bunch of headings and stuff. Right now it looks like crap.
i created the ??? emoji
like a lighter bitch we ignit
I have an idea for ranks.



Trial Co-Leader

Pro Members


Trial Members

And also good luck with this clan.

Apathetic User
add Kooper and other guys
just fix the part where my rank can kick other people in my rank.
add another rank.
Last edited by zglborn; Jun 5, 2013 at 11:38 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
New and Fresh start, Less spam and Stuff this time. And accept your invite, Trocher really wants you to join.