hey guys, i'm sorry iv'e been gone for so long. i'm gonna be gone a little while longer..
long story short, i have court in December, i might be getting a job, new room mate, sick puppy, lots of vet appointments, and other things.
i miss all of ya'll and i will be back when i have my life is a bit more straightened out.
i like cats
mom just hided the keyboard and mouse so right now im using the little computer (it suks on games) so like rexxy im probely gonna be active at weekends ;) or sometimes in the middle of weeks
I never forget.
Won't be on as much. Mum's putting restrictions on my play time because my mark is going down in math. She was going to ground me completely for 2 weeks, but I told her no way, that's BS. Still, 2 hours a day maximum.

The math teacher phoned because I haven't been doing all my homework and I've been struggling this unit. How am I supposed to study for tests from the homework I don't do because I don't understand the lesson.
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays
I got my mark 10/20 in maths and im not happy in it so yeah I better decrease my playtime to study more
I never forget.
sky just keep working on it and stay for lots of extra help, ik you, this will only be a minor bump in the road.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
I got science test tomorrow and some homework so after that ill have the good keybaord ;)
I never forget.
sad news guys im sick yesterday I forgot to put my jacket on when I was going to the gym sooooo I was wondering if I could rest for 3 days if u mind?
I never forget.
im truly deeply sorry becauz I havent been in game active for 5 days or more (I think)

our teacher informed us that we have another math test and its tomorrow so yeah ill be active alot starting tomorrow

(until december the pupil's worst enemy xD)
I never forget.