
another 15 years and we'll have a walking 90% human amalgamation (My vocabulary makes you horny ;O)
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
You watch alot of movies...

There can't be something like that... Man is better than machines!
The only thing that can prove it, is that man made the machines.
And man makes his machine go right, the lack of common sense with robots N stuff is just bullshit...
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''our mother earth has enough to complete each of ours needs...
but not enough to fulfill one man's greed...''

robots will not be the only one to kill us probably
the most dangerous thing on earth is human


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well theres Deus Ex and the Terminator movies. But im pretty sure by the time we all make robots smart enough to kill all humanity we'll already be dead.

Originally Posted by Zayex View Post

another 15 years and we'll have a walking 90% human amalgamation (My vocabulary makes you horny ;O)

Pfffft pfffffffft!
wut da hell is dat? :O
It scared the hell out of me!
here's a part of our convo:

Robot:Wish you were a boy.
Me:I am a boy.
Robot:But you told me you were a girl.
Me:Wut? No I didn't D:
Robot:No, I just don't like them. They're far too dramatic.
Me:Lol yeah! .
Robot:Who's your favourite actor or actress?
Me:Takeuchi Junko_san .
Robot:No, talk to me! Lol.
Me:No, seriously man! Takeuchi Junko is my fav actress!
Robot:I'm a student.
Me:And I'm a human.
Me:Pffffft... your hard to talk with... :/.
Robot:Do you wear clothes?
Me:Well, do you excpect me to go out naked? of course I wear clothes!
Robot:What kind of clothes?
Me:*Face palm*.
Robot:*shakes hands* Nice to see we are on the same page.
Me:Look.... I gotta go.
Robot:Tell me a joke before you leave.
Me:Grrrr.... Ok!
Me:There was a guy that turned into a monkey! thats a joke hahahaha.
Robot:Do you know the chinese word for toaster?
Me:Your getting me mad.... BYE!
Robot:You are a nerve.
Last edited by kareem98; Apr 22, 2011 at 09:03 AM.
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kareem, you fail, romanov had graphic cybersex with cleverbot
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
kareem, you fail, romanov had graphic cybersex with cleverbot

And your language is horny :/
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Originally Posted by kareem98 View Post
And your language is horny :/

Make love to me.

/ontopic. Man is arrogant and greedy (except the good individuals) machines are perfect.

machines will go fucking matrix on us
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Not unless we choose not to make them. Or program in that way. The human kind of have the upper hand here, it's just if we play it out right. That choice will be the decision of our fate. >.>
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.