Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Culapou tourney 300K in prizes.
The culapou sponsored ":O World cup".
300k in goodies
OMG factor X100
6 long weeks
Be the best
Can't lose
Has fun

This will be a classic style tournament, with 4Groups each group containing 8players, if you win you advance, you lose your done. 5 Different modes, 300k in prizes, 32players, 4groups 1 Winner.

Sign ups
My belt is:
I want to play because:
I have entered__tourneys like this
My favorite mode is:
My best mode is:


kaloo Vs. Madgecko11-Kaloo Dq'd Madgecko11 advances.
Magmaa Vs. Alessandro-Magmaa Dq'd Alessandro advances.
Shazikuro Vs. EBeezy-EBeezy wins
Siku Vs. ramenlover-Siku wins

SoulMuffin Vs. ChrisDom-SoulMuffin wins
Velve Vs. xHurricanex xHurricanex Dq'd Velve advances.
gr3yh47 Vs. AX7-Gr3yh47 wins
patriotz Vs. xFlame-patriotz wins

NutHug Vs. Phosphine-NutHug wins
WillSkeat Vs. YoungBl00d-WillSkeat wins
Drakhir Vs. Diltoriya-Drakhir wins
bdo Vs. Tiebasher-Tiebasher wins

KoEDeath Vs. DeathAwaits-DeathAwaits wins
flubbah Vs. Superstar-flubbah dq'd Superstar advances
FaTeee Vs. thenoobsho-No show, neither advances
MANtrain Vs. death20-death20 Dq'd MANtrain advances.

Madgecko11 Vs. Alessandro-Alessandro wins
EBeezy Vs. Siku-EBeezy wins

SoulMuffin Vs. Velve-Velve Dq'd
gr3yh47 Vs. patriotz-patriotz wins..but failed enough to get banned No advances.

NutHug Vs. WillSkeat-NutHug wins
Drakhir Vs. Tiebasher-Drakhir advances

DeathAwaits Vs. Superstar-DeathAwaits wins
MANtrain Vs. SoulMuffin-Mantrain advances

Round 3
Group 1
Alessandro Vs. EBeezy-Alessandro advances

Group 2
NutHug Vs. Drakhir-Drakhir wins

Group 3
ManTrain Vs. DeathAwaits-neither advances


Alessandro Vs. Drakhir- Alessandro wins

The Modes

Week 1

Week 2
TKD-DMT must be 200!(The mod, not taekwon)

Week 3



First Prize!

Second Prize!

Third prize

-Common sense, use it
Games will be played in a first to 5format
You must save the replays and post them here for proof of victory,
No changing any settings
Must have 1Person watching for extra proof.
If you I am a furry to play your game in 1week, you will be kicked from the tourney, unless you have a proper excuse.
Has fun you will..
Last edited by TheGod; Oct 4, 2008 at 04:40 PM.
the god
woah, this is filling up fast, i may extend it to 64 players.
Note: even if you posted after the 32'nd person you still have equall chance in getting in.
the god
My belt is: 2nd dan
I want to play because: i need tc and i want to win this
I have entered only once, tourneys like this
My favorite mode is: if it can be a mod mod i like instagib feet, or if not, then sambo or judo.
My best mode is: sambo or judo me thinks..
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
My belt is: Black Belt(it is second account, first account -7th dan)
I want to play because: 300k tc
I have entered__tourneys like this:
My favorite mode is: Wushu,judo, taekkyon, freestyle, and all mods except twinswords, sumo, sambo, aikido. ;)
My best mode is: Wushu and TaekKyon
My belt is: Black belt
I want to play because: It's a Culapou tourney. It has to be awesome.
I have entered 0 tourneys like this
My favorite mode is: Aikido, Kickbox, Betabox, Timefight
My best mode is: Aikido
EBeezy's Inventory Sale <- Good items for low prices!
I know the toriexchange.
Culapou for gamekeeper :D
Put that in your sig, if you like the tourney, or you want to support me c:
the god
My belt is: 10th Dan Black Belt
I want to play because: I want to kick Nuthug's ass, but there's no title in "danger"
I have entered some tourneys like this
My favorite mode is: Aikido
My best mode is: Aikido
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
Culapou for gamekeeper :D
Put that in your sig, if you like the tourney, or you want to support me c:

I could bet everyone who does that will be accpeted.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

Like my stuff?
Join my FunClub or subscribe on Youtube
hah, true but if they would like the tourney it would be after the tourney that they put it in, hence wouldn't effect my picking
the god
belt=3rd dan
i want to play:because i wanna win monies and have a good time
i have not played in any tournys like this
fav mod:wushu,akido
best mod:akido
Last edited by Giantz; Aug 4, 2008 at 09:14 PM.
My belt is: 4th Dan black belt
I want to play because: i want to win of cource
I have entered one tourney like this
My favorite mode is: Kickbox/wushu
My best mode is: Kickbox/Betabox
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."