Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
All life involves suffering

like deprav said, is all life complete agony??
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Sure but what's the point of living at all? All life involves suffering, why not take the shortcut to the end?

i know it is stupid to come up with one liner questions in the discussion thread, but even if all life involves suffering, is the entirety of life consisted of suffering? the experience of suffering in life may or may not overwhelm it's redeeming qualities, i would say it depends on a plethora of factors (intensity of suffering, duration.. just how "much" one suffers)
oh yeah
Can we stay focussed on animals and killing please? I can see how a slightly deeper understanding of the value of life might be necessary when answering the question this thread poses, but that only makes sense if you continue trying to answer that question. Link your philosophies of suffering/life to the mercy killing of animals or your philosophies of suffering/life will be off topic.

Thank you.
Good morning sweet princess
To be honest some cases of a dog being put down are quite extreme but some families have their dogs put down for much less like a broken leg or dislocated shoulder.

The grand national also is kinda bad. Shooting a horse simply because it's no longer useful (Can't run AS fast as it used to) and the owners see no reason to pay for a veterinarian to get the horse back to health is pretty immoral but hey-ho, shit happens.
Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
To be honest some cases of a dog being put down are quite extreme but some families have their dogs put down for much less like a broken leg

I think, RedPanda, you'll find the average household dog has a different healing process to human beings. How often do you go down the street to find a dog with a cast on.

I'm gonna be real fuckin cheesy here and say that in a way death is kind of a beautiful thing, if you have done life right then people are gonna fucking remember you. Example, my grandma died of cancer back in 05, we visit her grave practically everyday. Although i didn't know her that well, she made a massive impact on the community, so guys (immortalpig) are you gonna be remembered as fucking legend, or are you gonna be that one guy everyone's talking about solely because he's on his death bed.

"Something isn't beautiful because it lasts"

Everyone's times comes, making it longer is as Hyde said futile. You think your family members are immortal but they fucking aren't, you aren't either.
Last edited by desu; May 6, 2015 at 11:25 PM.
Originally Posted by d3noth View Post
I think, RedPanda, you'll find the average household dog has a different healing process to human beings. How often do you go down the street to find a dog with a cast on.

*Sneeze* sorry I'm allergic to dogs with casts on.

*Cough* my allergies are off the charts today.

fuck, there must be a dog with a CAST on nearby.

the reason you don't see many household dogs with casts on is because not every family can afford the cost of having several check ups every 2 months-or-so however having a dog put down is pretty expensive but still cheaper that multiple visits.
Last edited by RedPanda; May 6, 2015 at 11:36 PM.
however having a dog put down is pretty expensive ...

Do you have a funeral for your dog? If you're having troubles buying bullets cheap I know a guy in the UK
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
I'll start by saying that it isn't murder because

I'll continue by saying that sometimes, especially in cases such as broken legs for a horse, or some painful disease, euthanasia is mercy.

how is euthenasia not described by that definition? euthenasia is unlawfull, it is premeditated and you are ending someones life, pretty much that exact definition.
the only part of it that is subject to change is the "lawfull" part.
only when euthenasia is made legal, is it not murder.

euthenasia is mercy killing, i can appreciate the concept and in the case of animals, but it is completely up to the discretion of the owner, as animals cannot make decisions like that. if the owner is not decent, then it can be abused, just to get rid of a problem they dont want to deal with.

We've euthenised both our previous dogs, but then both of them were blind, riddled with cancer, which we caught too late and the only thing left for them was a slow and painfull death. we didnt put them down befor it was necessary.
however, if we do catch the cancer befor it gets too far, im not sure what I would do. would i have it treated or would i have it put down? im not sure.
Id like to think Id have it treated, but treatment is expensive and my dog doesnt have medical aid.

a bit more complicated in the case of people. as room for abuse increases.

Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
The grand national also is kinda bad. Shooting a horse simply because it's no longer useful (Can't run AS fast as it used to) and the owners see no reason to pay for a veterinarian to get the horse back to health is pretty immoral but hey-ho, shit happens.

horses cant be horses with broken legs. the chances of a successfull rehabilitation are pretty damn slim and it is a painfull process.
a horse cannot lie down while its leg is broken, it has to stand up the entire time. thats a long time to stand.
even with a broken leg, a horse will still try to be a horse, with the most likely result being that it will end up hurting itself worse.

at horse racing, the vets do check on the likelyhood of the horse making a comeback, befor deciding to shoot it. its not just a willy nilly "oh horse done gone broked its leg, lets shoot it."
they consider the options first.
they have also moved away from shooting them now, it is done with injections etc.
More often than not, it is euthenasia, not just simply getting rid of a problem.

but i do sympathize, im not a fan of horse racing because when a horse does break its leg, it is because WE put it in a position to do so.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I'm gonna go ahead and say that you don't see dogs with casts out walking around too often because...well...it should be pretty obvious.

Not sure if I want to engage in this discussion quite yet. If I do, I'll make a long post to compensate for this one.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.