Endurance Onslaught 6.0
If you don't understand something you shouldn't speak on it. Yes everyone has free will and don't have to conform to the hood mentality, but you have to understand that this is something that everyone in the hood is born into. So before you make the assumption that everyone in that situation is complacent being there remember that it's all that they know, having come from that situation myself I can tell you that there's not many ways to make it out. Many of them honestly start with noble intentions taking up arms to protect their loved ones or dealing as means to provide since those areas have no jobs better than fast food joints most times. So between the crimes, influences, and poverty there's not exactly a lot of morals and values shining through to keep them on the straight and narrow.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Yeah lol they want to get out of the hood so much that they join gangs and become drug dealers.

Please explain that one to me mate. How exactly does acting like a walking-talking stereotype help you get out of the hood

How easy do you think it is to go from criminality to innocence? Do you think that any institution (company/college) is particularly inclined to invest in a proven delinquent? Most corporations simply refuse to hire people with criminal history, besides where equality laws prevail. Even minor offenses, which are typically what small timers start with, can be the start of the spiral. It's not easy to avoid if it's part of your local culture, which is a very real possibility in the States. It also has to do with the mentality and skills you develop. A vagrant mentality does not translate easily or swiftly into standard society.

It's pretty silly to assert that people caught in a criminal culture can just "stop". Even if it were that simple, it's certainly not an easy task.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
How easy do you think it is to go from criminality to innocence?

Yeah so easy man you just join a gang and become a drug dealer.

Wait no, that doesn't sound right, but I can see how people could easily become confused lol.
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
Do you think that any institution (company/college) is particularly inclined to invest in a proven delinquent? Most corporations simply refuse to hire people with criminal history, besides where equality laws prevail. Even minor offenses, which are typically what small timers start with, can be the start of the spiral. It's not easy to avoid if it's part of your local culture, which is a very real possibility in the States. It also has to do with the mentality and skills you develop. A vagrant mentality does not translate easily or swiftly into standard society.

Well, I don't see why businesses should be required to consider hiring criminals, but that's an argument for another time.

But apart from that, maybe they need to fix their culture. Simple as that, anything else is a bandaid fix.
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
It's pretty silly to assert that people caught in a criminal culture can just "stop". Even if it were that simple, it's certainly not an easy task.

Maybe don't do it in the first place then.

I don't think society owes criminals anything, and I don't think society should give people a free pass just because "muh culture". If you assault people, deal drugs, steal, think it's ok to kill cops, etc, then clearly our moral compasses are irreconcilably misaligned.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
But apart from that, maybe they need to fix their culture. Simple as that, anything else is a bandaid fix.

So now what your saying is that it's as easy as simply fixing their culture. Thats not possible, they can't just create money out of thin air and use it to help get them into better situations. When your living situation is awful and the people are as well, and the main reason for it is lack of money you can't just "fix" it. They have no means of earning the money required to "fix" their culture.
Thanks for the tc shockey, I'll never f o r g e t you shockey-sama
I agree with ImmortalPig. Fixing the culture is the way to go.

I personally think we should create some sort of club for all children so they can get educated.
That way we can make sure their innocent minds don't get corrupted by the dangerous and thuggish ideals of their criminal parents.
It is simple solution to fix whole cultures within a few generations. It's been done rather successfully in the past. Why not do it again?
Two of the ell know gangs in my area started in the 1900s to help save colored people from whites CRIP (Community Revolution In progress) and BLOOD (Brotherly Love Overcomes Our Depression) fought fire with fire , and as the white supremacist tried their hardest to set colored people up with cocaine and staged murders these gangs fought to protect the community

Don't judge the hood
Originally Posted by darkexxod View Post
the white supremacist tried their hardest to set colored people up with cocaine and staged murders these gangs fought to protect the community

Are you fuckin retarded mate? I've seen footage of original members from those gangs telling everyone they're full of shit and not to join them.

And yea sure blame white supremacists for everything, after all white supremacists are the reason asians, indians and all other non-white people are having such a hard time in america... (wait nah it's only blacks and mexicans lol)

Ele Moderated Message:
1st Warning: Don't call people fucking retarded
Last edited by Ele; Jun 28, 2015 at 09:24 AM. Reason: ur welcome pig
Redundant is pretty clearly being sarcastic.

As for ImmortalPig, I'm not even sure you're being serious at this point. I never asserted or implied that institutions should be required to consider dubious applicants, or that society owes criminal cultures anything. In fact, I'm not even going to continue because you are either: A) just pulling things out of your ass for the sake of argument, which is stupid or; B) you're too dense to argue with in the first place.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by HeavyBob View Post
So now what your saying is that it's as easy as simply fixing their culture. Thats not possible, they can't just create money out of thin air and use it to help get them into better situations. When your living situation is awful and the people are as well, and the main reason for it is lack of money you can't just "fix" it. They have no means of earning the money required to "fix" their culture.

This assumption that having less than X amount of money makes you automatically a criminal, and that the problem can be solved just by throwing X amount of money at them is absolutely absurd. Morality is independant of money.

Hood culture's love of money at all costs once again rears it's ugly face. People who think it's OK to break the kill, steal, deal drugs are not 'good people just doing it tough'. Giving them a payout won't fix them.
Originally Posted by darkexxod View Post
Two of the ell know gangs in my area started in the 1900s to help save colored people from whites CRIP (Community Revolution In progress) and BLOOD (Brotherly Love Overcomes Our Depression) fought fire with fire , and as the white supremacist tried their hardest to set colored people up with cocaine and staged murders these gangs fought to protect the community

Don't judge the hood

Both Bloods and Crips were made to fight rival gangs, there is nothing noble about these criminals.

Glorification of the worst elements of society once again shows just how broken hood culture is. These are people who have committed every crime in the book many times over.

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
As for ImmortalPig, I'm not even sure you're being serious at this point. I never asserted or implied that institutions should be required to consider dubious applicants, or that society owes criminal cultures anything. In fact, I'm not even going to continue because you are either: A) just pulling things out of your ass for the sake of argument, which is stupid or; B) you're too dense to argue with in the first place.

You heavily implied that rehabilitation is the problem. Why would someone say that if they didn't think that society doesn't owe criminals anything?

If you want to say that's what you think, then how do you explain your previous post;
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
How easy do you think it is to go from criminality to innocence? Do you think that any institution (company/college) is particularly inclined to invest in a proven delinquent? Most corporations simply refuse to hire people with criminal history, besides where equality laws prevail. Even minor offenses, which are typically what small timers start with, can be the start of the spiral. It's not easy to avoid if it's part of your local culture, which is a very real possibility in the States. It also has to do with the mentality and skills you develop. A vagrant mentality does not translate easily or swiftly into standard society.

It's pretty silly to assert that people caught in a criminal culture can just "stop". Even if it were that simple, it's certainly not an easy task.

To answer your questions in order:
1. Easy, just don't commit crime.
2. No, and they have no obligation to.
3. It's easy to stop being a criminal, you just don't commit crime and you're done.

I'm not sure why you are trying to get my to sympathise with criminals. Every single one of them knowingly committed crimes. People who assault others, gang members that kill, and drug dealers plying their trade all do it knowing that they are 100% in the wrong. Trying to frame them as "people doing it rough" is insanity.

It's a cultural problem and personally I don't think it should be tolerated. Hood mentality is a cancer that needs to be removed.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Why are you so obsessed with criminals immortal? In arguments where one person never uses the word nor even brings up the topic you seem to pull it out of thin air and use it to support every statement you have made.
Thanks for the tc shockey, I'll never f o r g e t you shockey-sama