Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
So transitioning into my final year in High School, I have realised a few things about the incoming freshman and every age group below that. This year in my school there will be NO 90s kids in the entire school. My class (soon to be seniors) is the last of our 1900s generation. I have begun to notice that the maturity of those born in 2000 and above has dropped considerably as the years go by. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings on how you think the world may turn out now that the 1900s gen will soon be gone from the school system and eventually the work force.

This is what every generation believes. The new generation is awful, they are so immature and stupid, blah blah blah blah. If anything you should be admiring them for how technologically advanced they are in comparison to ours at their age. It may appear that they are more immature simply because they are children and they are able to broadcast their immaturity through social media and the internet. Making them more noticeable than they otherwise would be.
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
This is what every generation believes. The new generation is awful, they are so immature and stupid, blah blah blah blah. If anything you should be admiring them for how technologically advanced they are in comparison to ours at their age. It may appear that they are more immature simply because they are children and they are able to broadcast their immaturity through social media and the internet. Making them more noticeable than they otherwise would be.

I second this.

The immaturity isn't exactly changing. Technology is helping us see it. What would kids be doing without technology like Xbox and Computers? They'd be playing outside. I would be playing outside.. I miss being young like that. It was so fun playing outside. Now everyone's secluded in their homes and play games. Exactly what I do. Too bad no friends live by me. Haha.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
People born in the 90s are more mature than people born in the 2000s because they are older.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
In the most part kids born in the 90s and kids born in the 00s are the same or on the cusp of the same generation. People aren't having kids at 16-20 that much anymore. (Don't let MTV fool you). So yes there is a age difference between them but of course there is.

I really don't understand the point in your opening thread other than to say "I am a mature person born in the 90s"

No offence intended.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
I second this.

The immaturity isn't exactly changing. Technology is helping us see it. What would kids be doing without technology like Xbox and Computers? They'd be playing outside. I would be playing outside.. I miss being young like that. It was so fun playing outside. Now everyone's secluded in their homes and play games. Exactly what I do. Too bad no friends live by me. Haha.

That's probably what 80's kids thought about 90's kids with their frosted tips and nokias.

also what immortalpig said is /thread
Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings on how you think the world may turn out now that the 1900s gen will soon be gone from the school system and eventually the work force.

I asked how do you think the world will turn out now that the last of the 1900s is almost into the work force. I was asking from a future standpoint: based on how the o
World is RIGHT NOW would the new gen be able to solve the problems and mistakes we have left for them, or create whole new ones?

Sorry if it wasn't clear enough I was tired when I posted that. It was like 12 at night.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Good job MasterFate. Using half a brain to open this thread.
Ele Moderated Message:
Rule C violation. Don't be such a blatant dick.

Anyway, there are some problems that we can solve. Better technology allows us to do it as well as the fact that we've had a full lifetime to soak up information about the problem.
However, there are some that either cannot or should not be solved. There's a saying that we all have heard before. "What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas". I think that this would apply to some of the problems left for the 00 kids to solve.
Last edited by Ele; Jul 13, 2015 at 01:06 AM.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Originally Posted by qukslice View Post
Good job MasterFate. Using half a brain to open this thread.
Ele Moderated Message:
Rule C violation. Don't be such a blatant dick.

Anyway, there are some problems that we can solve. Better technology allows us to do it as well as the fact that we've had a full lifetime to soak up information about the problem.
However, there are some that either cannot or should not be solved. There's a saying that we all have heard before. "What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas". I think that this would apply to some of the problems left for the 00 kids to solve.

Their asses can't be pampered. Give them a stick and a rock, send them to a Forrest and tell them to survive for 5 days. See how that goes.

Technology is a beautiful, yet stupid thing. Depends on what it is. The kids aren't getting more immature or mature. It's just technology showing us once again up close. It's just the section in the years where 90's kids won't be kids anymore. Here comes the 00's.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Their asses can't be pampered. Give them a stick and a rock, send them to a Forrest and tell them to survive for 5 days. See how that goes.

Technology is a beautiful, yet stupid thing. Depends on what it is. The kids aren't getting more immature or mature. It's just technology showing us once again up close. It's just the section in the years where 90's kids won't be kids anymore. Here comes the 00's.

Kids are kids. They would survive. Whether they have a controller or a stick in their hands makes no difference, they will work with and utilize both. They don't need technology, they have just grown accustomed to it.
I mean maturity wise, I think there really is no difference like most of the people here have said. I think it's just a matter of us not understanding their culture, the taste in music, the popular actors, the addiction to vines, computer, internet (not that the past generations are immune to said addictions). I mean, to me, it's just kinda how you and your parents have that age gap like say your parents grew up in the 70's, you grew up in the 90's, there would definitely be a gap, technology, culture, taste in music, taste in food, hairstyle, famous people? I dont know. What I'm saying here is that it isn't "Hur dur dur, I'm from the 90's, I didnt need that shit to blah blah blah so you're dumber hur dur dur.", it's just the lack of understanding or culture shock you get/have of the newer generation. Personal opinion, anyone who thinks otherwise is just someone with a huge ego looking for attention.

I hope I made my points clear and dont let that last personal opinion destroy my arguments. It's just my stand on it.