Original Post
Party/Invite System
This was on the old Suggestions board, but yeah. Toribash should have a party system. Here are some aspects of the system so you don't have to read through a giant paragraph:

  • Invite system - This should be a no-brainer if you want to get a group together. There should be a command like "/invite X", and X would get a prompt saying "/joinserver Q", or something along those lines. These commands should work across different servers as well.
  • Mass invites - Just a variation on the invite system, but now you can type "/invite X, Y, Z" and prompts to join would be sent to players X, Y and Z at the same time.
  • Private party chat - Once a player is invited into the party, they should get access to a private chat with just party members. This is similar to Xbox's party chat feature, except with text, not voice.
  • Differentiating between party members and randoms - Party members should have a different color name than other players in the lobby. This would just make it easier to know who's in your party and who's not.
  • Private party function - If you don't want any more people joining your party, you should be able to set the party to private so that nobody else can join.
  • Vote move system - If the party leader decides to select another server to join, the party should be able to hold a vote to decide if they want to move or not. This should only be applied in larger groups, like 4 or more people.

  • Party Limit - This is to assure that nobody can organize a betting server or a tourney without using global.
  • Block/Ignore Command - If a random player is constantly inviting you, you can add him to a block list, which will permanently disable any contact between the two players until the "blocker" unblocks the "blocked.
  • Clan Invite - If you want to invite everyone in your clan to a party, this saves time by having the command /invite clan, so /invite Hunters would invite all Hunters members currently online.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; Aug 23, 2012 at 05:23 PM.
You can add Friends/Contacts if that is what you mean:
<----- Click my name
Add "B3st3v3r" to your contacts
Add B3st3v3r to your friends list

And to view contacts and friends:
Look for the Bar Above this thread
Click "Community"
Contacts & Friends
"Slaughter is the b3st medicine"
b3st3v3r, he wants the ability to both invite his friends to a room and to join a room that a friend is in.

Sounds like a good idea to me.
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."
Yeah, I know all about the contacts and buddy system. And don't get me wrong, it's a step in the right direction. The method just needs to be expanded a bit. Thanks DaNooB23 for the support!

This is a good idea and there's only minor drawbacks with this that could be fixed quite easily with a button to stop people ''following'' you (whether as a collective or individually, the undesirables are everywhere after all).
Yeah the gm's would be furious being chased around by fanboys and beggars.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
Yeah the gm's would be furious being chased around by fanboys and beggars.

People already do that via /search , a friend system wont make it any worse than it already is.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
Yeah the gm's would be furious being chased around by fanboys and beggars.

Couldn't you just make it so that you can block users from following you? Or just have people on your buddy list be able to follow you? The search tool doesn't really work for me, it takes about 5 minutes to load and doesn't provide reliable information anyhow.

There's also a cool little program called BigBro.
Check it out.
It allows you to make a customized friends list and tells you where the people on the list are ingame. Simply make your list, boot up the program, see your friends and the server they're in and then boot up Toribash and head to the room they're in.