He's not selling it.
He's giving it away as a prize.

Well now, actually, this head will end up in recycle bin , I messed up the visor and the 'face' need to be redone. It is just an example head now. But problem is, if u use it, it will probably look like a second head that I'm making of the NanoSuit2, so everyone will be thinking that u stole it or just copying my new head... Maybe if u recolor it. Idk Optic.
This is nice!
You need to go into details because no one can do this without knowing exactly how to do this :/
Hi it's Praeter
For example Bojan,
1st Tutorial: Brainstorming Idea's/Rough draft on paper.
2nd Tutorial: Outlining on computer/Basic Shading
3rd Tutorial: Highlights/Showdows/Dirt/Retouching
4th tutorial: Final Output. I would do this but I'm too busy.