Here are my replays.

Note; im obsessed with getting decaps.

for some reason I cant upload the others, so when I'm able to do that I will
Whoever wants to play me in greykido im making a room just do /jo tg

Alien, you dont have to post those replays
Don't Be Racist
Hello my name is sledgren, Cameron in real life. I am 14, almost 15 . my gmt is -5. Ok well I have always enjoyed the mod greykido and have recently been playing in it a lot more. So I wanted to join team greykido. I am around rank 2000 in aikido so I understand aikido based mods. I am right now in a gmtourney for greykido I'll post results if any good.

anyways I like the mod and really want to get better so I hope you accept me as a member.

Thanks, sledgren.

PS. do you want me to post replays now in app, or should I start posting them once I am a trial (If I am accepted)