Yo dudes

Was in Zells last clan and enjoyed it. Im lookin' forward playing and writing with that new one ;)
Get some Banner fast, dsc looks so empty :P
Rien ne nous conserve soigneusement avant d'illusions comme un coup d'oeil dans le miroir
Hah, Well, I need to find soemone to make me a Banner, Due to my lack of art skills, do you know anyone good?
SuicideDo - Dorrie stands for
Damn Outrageous Reefer Ripping Instrument Extreme
mh... yes, in deed I do.

But he is kinda inaktiv atm - Ill ask him anyways
Rien ne nous conserve soigneusement avant d'illusions comme un coup d'oeil dans le miroir
K, And im willing to pay, so let him know, in the meantime ill go post in art Req. =)
So how the hell have you been? ps, come to my server!
SuicideDo - Dorrie stands for
Damn Outrageous Reefer Ripping Instrument Extreme
aww, lol - you said i should come, yet xD

Didnt see that ^^

YOU ask ME where I have been? Kinda ironic, isn't it ^_^
I stayed half active as i was once... in some time I am more, in some I am less.

Where have you been? :P
Rien ne nous conserve soigneusement avant d'illusions comme un coup d'oeil dans le miroir
Originally Posted by Zellpheo View Post
-All lies lead to the truth

Thats just twisted and wrong.

No No No Lies are not the truth. They are opposites. If you are going to have a motto put something that is straight and true.

I recommend you come up with a new motto.
ill make banner if u want and i might do 4 free also (good luck)
Also i know a guy who makes EPIK STORIES pm airgoof
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Thats just twisted and wrong.

No No No Lies are not the truth. They are opposites. If you are going to have a motto put something that is straight and true.

I recommend you come up with a new motto.

HAHA, no its from the show the X files, and im not saying lies are truths what I am saying is that lieing is pointless, because eventually the lies will lead to the inevitable truth.
Thanks though.

Originally Posted by gamer828 View Post
ill make banner if u want and i might do 4 free also (good luck)
Also i know a guy who makes EPIK STORIES pm airgoof

Really, Cause right now im paying a guy to, so would you do it for free? Let me know soon, and ok Ill pm, does it cost money? and if so, about how much for the story? Thanks.
SuicideDo - Dorrie stands for
Damn Outrageous Reefer Ripping Instrument Extreme
err im not gona take his cash man that against my code im sry but i still recommend airgoof he makes WICKED stories for free (most of time)
Looks like Air is going to make me one, and alright man, Thank again, I may need a sig soon, and ill be willing to pay, do you do those? =)
SuicideDo - Dorrie stands for
Damn Outrageous Reefer Ripping Instrument Extreme