plz im sorry im just pissed off that i dont know how to make a clan that well..
so plz
just stop giving advise

sine up or dont post
Plumpchud they are trying to give you advice becasue your clan is not evan close to being done.
But have it your way you will learn the hard way

Originally Posted by plumpchud View Post
plz im sorry im just pissed off that i dont know how to make a clan that well..
so plz
just stop giving advise

sine up or dont post

hey i got a ting for u. If u leave making of the DSC to scooter (IRL friend of mine) he can make the DSC much better and he could be your new CO-Ldr also
I'm a fucking professional!
Well Guys What he is trying to say is stop complementing his DSC. He will get it straight sooner or later. But You should visit on how to make a clan thread. It guides you step by step on how to make a DSC. Before you start this clan remember these things.

-Will i stick with this clan
-Will i do anything for this clan
-Do I really want to do this

Trust me. I have been throught it all. Some of these things I didn't think of when i was the Ldr of the Clan [BlindF]. Just stick with this clan and never give up. I dont want you to do the same mistake I did. Gl with clan.
I'm back :)