Originally Posted by Sahee View Post
Oh uh, you used RC's move in that being silly O; <read that post nao>.
Praise withdrawn. ;/ xD


Sahee, there is nothing wrong with openers. Sure, there are people who know some openers, without neccessarily knowing how or trying to control their tori after, but i hope you don't class me in with them.

I improvise after the initial opener, like most people.
While improvising makes you completely unpredictable, most of the time you can't produce nearly as much momentum (which is what it's all about to me, if you have momentum you can do crazy things). Generally, impro results in a tap-slap gameplay with no explosions or epic spins. To those who care, it isn't as competitive either. You don't have a clear attack planned, and all you have is surprise element. This is just imo though.

Now, there are many very good players who do it, including you, Skulloman, Stabberz, Psy-t, among some others. It can work and it can be fun, since it allows you to mix things up, expose you to new positions and teach you to better handle tori. However, as i said, i like first making some swing and then going at it.

I probably could have said it in 2-3 sentences but i don't feel like revising. Wall of text ftw.
Last edited by Odlov; May 6, 2008 at 10:09 PM.
the sentence was:
first round - opener
second round - impro
You told me that a long time ago:] however, that's your style, it's beautiful and effective, don't worry
These replays are excellent, as usual. I love the fights with Zak, my favorite is "being silly." Odlov wushu replays are my favorite multiplayer replays to watch .
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
Originally Posted by madmanmad View Post
These replays are excellent, as usual. I love the fights with Zak, my favorite is "being silly." Odlov wushu replays are my favorite multiplayer replays to watch .

Haha thanks madman
I'm trying
first time i was arsed to watch replays, nice job, im still annoyed when people use others moves, but meh good stuff
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
first time i was arsed to watch replays, nice job, im still annoyed when people use others moves, but meh good stuff

Come on man, i recognized that i used RabidClone's move and i said that in a post. Besides, i only did it for fun and only once.

And thanks ;)
That's a great starter you got here Odlov.

I enjoy watching your wooshoo hax.

Looking forward to seeing more
I bow to your knowledge of wooshoo, my god.

I guess I am just 'beingsillly' and 'goofing' but I don't want a 'castration'

I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!