Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Any chance that the fact that the tag to Raid is r will change aro's and duuun's mind?
Last edited by itsarabbit; Oct 6, 2009 at 09:22 PM.
<Catguy19.0> "Quote me."
is this thingy theyr symbol?
then i see no problem in putting that on our logo, and anyways theyr tag is [r] not r so.. whats the problem? we havnt copied them.. well at least i didnt;P
so what?

fuck them, its not meant to be them ill add a little [reacti0n] down in the corner.

-Have some respect. //Rabbit.
Last edited by itsarabbit; Oct 6, 2009 at 09:23 PM.
mkay so ive asked RAID if they are ok with our logo number 1 aaannndd i got the answer...
"Sure, go ahead. As long as your clan tag isn't [r] because the previous leader, Dirtnapp, already agreed with us that Raid could use that. Raid is usually lowercase 'r' anyway, so yeah. "

SO we will proceed 1 more voting.

only number 1 and number 2 counts, coz they were equal before.


i vote 1