Endurance Onslaught 6.0
well today after 3 days of tinkering and wondering "wtf" ,
i finally installed the ssd 100% correct with AHCI mode
enabled xD
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
well today after 3 days of tinkering and wondering "wtf" ,
i finally installed the ssd 100% correct with AHCI mode
enabled xD

ahahah, you should have asked bro. I already went through it . Tho I managed to figure it out after just 3 windows re-installs xD
wishful eyes deceive me
if i knew what was about to follow i would have asked for sure,
only 2 windows re-installs for me xD

the instructions and guides around the internet are at the least vague,
what i did at the end was to install an older version of catalyst
control center and for some magical reason the AHCI driver worked
after that xD
The principle of the problem is that when you install windows it does not install the AHCI driver if no HDs are connected via AHCI protocol. And its very hard to install the AHCI driver afterward (for noobs like us). So if you chose the IDE protocol and installed win you can not change to AHCI protocol coz there are no drivers in the system. I assume via shear luck the Catalyst center contained the needed AHCI driver . On the third try I picked AHCI before win install xD.
wishful eyes deceive me
for me the 1st install was like you say,forgot to change to AHCI,
in the second try i changed the mode to bios but the samsung magician
was keep saying that it was deactivated,searched around and found
some solution requiring to edit the registry,still no fix,at that point i
was "wtf work you piece of" but then i changed my search approach
and found out that amd drivers suck in general xD
now what you guys think should be my next upgrade:
the cpu? (amd fx series?)
ram? (+8 gb same ram or perhaps all new modules?)
or motherboard? (same model newest rev or another model?)
tbh I would gradually switch to Intel, but the problem is you will most likely want to upgrade your gfx before you switch cpu + mb. Idk, I would probably wait till I was unsatisfied with the performance and buy all new (apart the psu/case and HDD/SDDs).

I had AMD, then I went Intel, would not go back. This was like 7 years ago, but I don't see the relationship between the two change much during this period.
AMD gives more bang for the buck, Intel gives more bang in general and more reliability. Also Id prob go nVidia instead of AMD(ATI) too.
Last edited by missuse; Dec 17, 2015 at 10:44 AM.
wishful eyes deceive me
good morning bro

the thing is if i switch to intel its going to be a new pc altogether as
my parts are amd based (different budget xP )
Last edited by nikosefs; Dec 17, 2015 at 10:59 AM.
dun dun dun duuuuuuun!

made a big upgrade this week,i kept the samsung ssd,the corsair tx650 psu
and the xfx r9 270x,got msi x370 krait motherboard,crucial 16gb ddr4 2400
and ryzen 1600x


i would have some projects in cubase where it would have 60-70% cpu use
and sometimes i would get a cpu overload crashing the program,
now the same projects are at 10-15% cpu use x)