you know you make me laugh so hard at how you say things. you say some asshole took your server and changed the password, but it was you and your friends in my server and claiming that it was your "chill spot", but it was my fucking server and i wasnt there to keep you out. THEN you started begging me to authorize you and let you be an admin. you are so stupid it makes me laugh throbulato. oh and i see you changed your name because you didnt want the back fire once you sent me that trojan virus. you are so funny....
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
Tie, stop flaming throb, this is 3 threads; that you've flamed him. flaming IS annoying, just try to keep it at a minimum, or in one thread.

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his ass deserves it, sorry mayo, but i want to get this guy outta harms way incase he does something incredibly wrong.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
How about this......
Ignore him....
If he does it again, somehow get proof, and ill kick him out of the clan..

I've talked to you already...
Stop threatening people lol. Just be nice =P

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That Tiebasher guy is getting pretty defensive with me O_O.I think he's hiding some strong emotions of love from me.Tiebashy it's okay,but sorry I'm not gay >.> I'm sorry for hurting your kind feelings man.How do you think I FEEL right now?Youre is trying to flirt when I'm straight and avoiding you.I'm sorry Tiebasher.Just Don't take this the wrong way but we can be just friends.JUST friends.And no I never sent a virus.Just fake prank ones.I sent one of my pranks to mayo.We both got a good laugh.It's an error message altered to have MY preffered message in it.
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