you cant eat sugar? man .. but you are not sick in any way?
but you can drink cola, dont you?
I guess you have to disclaim for alot of things huh :c

I start crying when I eat bockwurst with spicy mustard. I can't take it
pizza with chili is tasty though
Well, if I took a teaspoon of pure sugar into my mouth, I'd probably swallow it somehow, but I wouldn't take another one. Things get different if I get something else to mix it with. Also, cola, yeh, I can drink loads of it if I'm fast, but after a while the taste gets shitty for me and I can't drink anymore D;

And I looove spicy things, even if they'd make me cry, it's even better. I'd just try to hide it or say I cry for more and get even more.

Also horseradish for sausages is pretty epic.
Last edited by JtanK; Jan 19, 2011 at 04:55 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
don't you have a limit for spicy things?

like .. this guy.. you know x'D
you should taste that fruit, too <3

I allmost died eating this thing (without putting the spicy stuff into it, that you get for that, too). It's said that you can eat more and more spicy things if you allways go for your limit but .. well. I just can't x) my brother is like you. nothing is spicy enough ^^

horseradish? pffffff I hate it so much :c the japanese horseradish the most