Agreed. Try to stay away from using a lot of filters.

And if you're trying to do some GFX stuff, I suggest taking a look at the GFX Megathread in the Art forums for a list of good resources and tutorials.

I'm also confused as to why you added your age and gender to the application. It doesn't really matter in the decision making.
How long have you been using gimp?: 1 Month
What do you use gimp for?: Body Textures
What do you do best in gimp?: Body Textures

taking art requests for USD
How long have you been using gimp?:about 4 months
What do you use gimp for?:head
What do you do best in gimp?:idk,im still searching what i best for
Post at least 3 examples:

"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you