Well, it's a complex rig, but for people with much knowledge of blender it should come in handy. Actually, to use it is not that hard. The main handles are the hands and feet, and the in between joints work by themselves. To add keyframes to animate, just press I with a bone selected.

Also, made a little update, some proportions fixed and also the centers of the pieces are in a more logical place.
Stickied.. on the count of my rig was a bit hard to use =)

Also where'd you get your mesh data from?

I got mine from the rib and povray export files... the script is still with me too
Eh, I have a question: Do you have to download blender to view this? And is there a version for macintosh?
master of the universe
did you use IK to set this up?

it works exactly like the one I made for C4D, nice work food eater, keep up the great work!

looks like you have some bending to fix, observe the tori's right arm, then the left. the left arm bends when the torso is moved towards the hand, the right arm doesn't. this could be a simple fact of an axis on the right arm being off slightly (if you're using IK)
Last edited by Stupinator; Jul 30, 2009 at 04:57 PM.
Former Item Forger
Works great! All the textures are named and joined. Same with the colours. Even the layout's good. Just one problem, the Chest textures doesn't work for me. :/