It's not even finished yet. When I make the head and fix and add somethings I'll auction it.

It won't be easy to get though.
Bored of this....
Want to join GATA?
The best way to anti-alis is to think ahead. such as using curves to make a cut out instead of rectangle select or Magic Wand. Although since you already did create your set I'd suggest these 5 ways.

1. Use a low power smudge on the edges.
2. Rectangle select (Not per pixel but generic area.) the edges, and use frosted glass with a high smooth level.
3. Gaussian Blur. (Highly unrecommended.)
4. Outline Object.
5. Feather

And here are some examples:
Last edited by JinxZ; Aug 7, 2009 at 04:35 AM.
