Endurance Onslaught 6.0
1. Don't rage at helpless people.
2. Be more helpful... If someone is in troubles, don't just stand there, hero.
3. Do better work in school.
4. Get your body in shape
5. Be less bored.

That's all I can currently think of.
To not have any faggoty New Years Resolutions I wont follow though on.
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post
I'll keep my 1280x1024


Galrath facepalms.

This made me lol irl

I will try to try at University, rather than sleep through all my lectures
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Quit smoking.
Kiss more pretty girls.
Start volunteering instead of just thinking about doing it.
Do better in school.
Start driving.
Manage my money better.
Stop drinking soda.
Develop a better sleeping schedule.
Spend less time doing nothing.
Write more.
Go to more concerts.
Learn after effects.
Use After effects to make a few cartoons.
Take more photos.
Get better at the Harmonica.
Start drumming again.
Finally try to paint something.
Have my own place again by November.
Read more, fiction or non fiction.
Be more involved in local politics.
stop taking pills.
Start exercising.
Learn as much as I can about anything interesting.
Kick ass, take names.

Tsa tall order, hopefully I will do at least one of them...but I may just do what Rutz said.

deady, you just pretty much wrote my resolutions list for me =p
to become better at texture making,

and become better in school :C failing science class ;/
I usually never have New Year's resolutions. My life is cruisin' pretty smoothly so far.

I'll probably start doing weights. Been meaning to start a while ago.