thanks i was waiting for you to post so i could show you my most recent thing. not a clan pic but eh. first image is straight from the program, second is after some editing with gimp:

mm k
I want you to make one
But Can you put my whole clan in it?
lol it will be hard

It will cost more then 30k?
well the difficulty and time really depends on the textures your clan wears. if you have noobs in your clan (i.e. just tori-heads) then itd be a lot faster. and no, ill accept 30k no matter how difficult it turns out. if you dont want to spend 30k, i like items :3

ok dude
I want you to make like an army type pic
I want to see everyone in my clan in that pic
Here is my Dsc for memberlist:
So Put Leaders And Founder First
Then Co-Leader
Then SuperEilte
Etc acording to my list order

And in the Ground Type [Pain] In red letters and an awsome Font

Wrk on that and please do it quick
Line some Behind us LIKE AN Huge army

I want everyone to be seen

Make the Picture big

And Make it Awesome

Go check my shop to tell me if you want anything from there?
ok ill make the picture wallpaper size (1400x1050). do you want them all to be saluting? and what kind of ground? itd be really easy to make them all salute. heck if it was like that itd be done in a few hours