Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
Walking around Johto when... Whaddya know?
An Entei, THE Entei pops up and my Mom calls me.
I run in excitement not lifting my eyes of the screen and run into a wall. The gameboy falls on the floor and the batteries roll out.

Good times


I have had annoying moments before but not rage.

well, I guess in LOZ OOT (not spelling that out) I still have not beaten the water temple. Sad face : (
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
Walking around Johto when... Whaddya know?
An Entei, THE Entei pops up and my Mom calls me.
I run in excitement not lifting my eyes of the screen and run into a wall. The gameboy falls on the floor and the batteries roll out.

Good times

hah lol
something like that happend to me in pokemon emerald.
I threw a master ball at celebi and just as i had a wonderful message confirming my catch. some bastard on the train nocked my gba out of my hands and the screen smashed on the floor....
once back when i played runsecape, I had been pwning for like 5hours and had noticed my stuff wast going up at all. I logged out and logged back in to find out i had been online when the server runtime was down... so none of the stuff worked. Oddly I have never heard of that happening to anyone else. That was also the acc that got banned got beating an admin in a staked battle and getting all his stuff.
Mammary Gland Holders of the Humanoid Lifeforms Commonly Known As, Homo Sapiens.
Crashed my tb so much times.

My worst was in game.

So when you join back in everyone thinks your a noob when your comp screws up :P
Sold my dog to join RRO
Pokemon: when I caught Giratina with a pokeball, the game lagged, screen went black. Makes me have to restart again.
not dead
Well, any game that doesn't autosave is bound to have extremely frustrating crashes. I'm not one for saving frequently unless there's quicksaves and it's a game where you NEED to save all the time, so when i've been playing for several hours without saving... Crash. That's when i start raging. Most notably in Neverwinter Nights 2. Crashing after you've won a really tough fight (i.e. 2 black dragons at once vs your 4 man party with 3 dumb AI's) is just... Ugh.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
We won the WOE on ragnarok and getting payed and the computer crashed and saying alot of LUA things
Got Cra..i mean uh...Cranberries?
I was a host in a borderlands server we were fighting crawmerax wit low quality weps...the ISP went down ... we were like 15 to 20 min into that fight
Why would i want a sig?
i playd GT4 on my ps2 i tryd and tryd but cant win and finaly when i was abouth to win last lap i can c the finish line and boom no power