Yeah really, The smoke and stuff given off by the flames from the oil would create a large hole in the ozone layer and create more problems.
I love MightyMouse <3

Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
over 1000 tons of oil being burned equates to over 1 million tons of CO2, seeing as when you combust a liquid it releases many difference things which is more then enough to burn an Antarctica sized hole in the ozone layer and kill the people in that general region. Why do you think they're so damn careful with the situation in Antarctica?

More CO2 is released by people driving each hour than would be released by blowing up the oil.
the god
Originally Posted by Bloobing View Post
Yeah but we dont need another huge source.

Oil which would get burned anyways... it's not actually another huge source, just a source which isnt going to driving cars anymore.
He's not "Suicide Do" if he's not banned!
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
More CO2 is released by people driving each hour than would be released by blowing up the oil.

But you have more surface area and not such a concentrated dosage in one specific place. People driving does indeed do as much damage, but its not concentrated.
Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
over 1000 tons of oil being burned equates to over 1 million tons of CO2

not likely - if you take oil to be pure carbon (which burns to CO2), then you'll have about three and two thirds of the weight in CO2 from the carbon (divide the molar mass of CO2 by one carbon atom)

meaning 1000 tons of pure carbon would result in about 3333 tons of CO2

more reasonably, about 80% of the weight in oil is carbon, meaning about 3000 tons of CO2 per 1000 tons of oil

on concentration: gas disperses rather quickly, especially in the atmosphere where we have loads of winds, also CO2 does not directly cause an ozone layer depletion, a large amount in one area for a couple of weeks if def not enough to make a noticeable hole (the effect global warming has on the ozone hole is global, not local on top of that)
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; May 2, 2010 at 11:42 AM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
America Failed?

Lolz i got bored >.> Free Verse Poem~

Oil Rig Explosion

The Gulf was resting in complete silence.
Then, boom!
Everything was awakened.

It coughed out a mixture of oil
And fire fared high up in the sky.
Even God was shaken from his sleep.
The flame raged and the smoke rose up into the heaven.

The oil slick slowly crawled to shore,
As its faint fingers of oily sheen,
Crept into the undefended Mississippi River.

The oil attacked the shore like a pandemic –
Quiet but pervasive.
Shrimp and fishes scrambled away;
Running away from its grasp.
Pelicans hovered in the air;
Worrying about their unborn chicks

Causing “fallout” for nested birds and marine animals,
The oil kept leaking.
We pray for Mother Nature to keep them safe.
Proud Member Of [Evil]
Love Lempika For Making My Avatar and Signature
[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
Originally Posted by Xtreme View Post
America Failed?

Lolz i got bored >.> Free Verse Poem~

Oil Rig Explosion

The Gulf was resting in complete silence.
Then, boom!
Everything was awakened.

It coughed out a mixture of oil
And fire fared high up in the sky.
Even God was shaken from his sleep.
The flame raged and the smoke rose up into the heaven.

The oil slick slowly crawled to shore,
As its faint fingers of oily sheen,
Crept into the undefended Mississippi River.

The oil attacked the shore like a pandemic –
Quiet but pervasive.
Shrimp and fishes scrambled away;
Running away from its grasp.
Pelicans hovered in the air;
Worrying about their unborn chicks

Causing “fallout” for nested birds and marine animals,
The oil kept leaking.
We pray for Mother Nature to keep them safe.

That was.... interesting.
(Insert some form of an animation or a slightly wise and/or satyrical statement here)
That was terrible, there was not one attempt at rhyming. And I don't care what you say, if it doesn't rhyme it's not poetry.