Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Had a dream about a complete stranger i knew from school, she was a vampire in the dream and for some reason, we were like in a vortex on my bed making out.

I'm not fucking joking, i have no idea where the dream came from since i don't really like the girl. Srslywtf
Originally Posted by Diealready View Post
I dreamed I beat the shit out of Justin Beiber because he was trying to steal my sisters car.

Epic dream... 'nuff said
The more you know
I had a dream where I just got out of bed, and I was going to go to get some breakfast. And right before I was going to open my door, it just flew like 10 feet backward as well as the wall. Then whenever I tried to catch up to it, it always flew twice as far as the last time. When I woke up, I found myself really frustrated and for some reason I was very suspicious of my door for the rest of the day.
[Colon 3]
Originally Posted by Diealready View Post
I dreamed I beat the shit out of Justin Beiber because he was trying to steal my sisters car.

epic stuff

i had a dream i HELPED diealready kill justin beiber with 2 punches.(one each,)
Just recently I had a pretty strange dream.

I was sitting in the audience of a theatre, I can't remember what the play was about, but one of the main actors morphed into a alien sorta thing, like out of the alien movies, and starting rage moshing the other actors face off. Then they all turned and rage moshed the whole crowd.

I don't have many dreams so this was a pretty awesome happening.
I dont dream very often, and the sickest thing abotu th last dream i can rmember is the girl sat on my face wasnt wear- you know what? nevermind
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
a few wired dreams ive had
1 felling of a cliff, waking up and falling of my bed (once broke my nose)

2 the evet lasting stears, when i was 2 i fell down the stairs and it hurnted me since. i have dreams of falling dows stairs that never end

3 being berried alive. i woke up prity pissed off

4 i got bit by dog on the wrist and when i woke my wrist hurt.

5 this is hard to explain but i was just walking down the street and lost all mt energy, it fekt like walking though a wall
10th Dan