Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I can too
Running Windows: Win7 86x
System Information
CPU Intel E5200 2.52 GHZ (2 CPUs)
Motherboard: Intel Jetway G31
Memory 2x2GB DDR2
Virtual Memory: 8192 MB
DX version: 10
Display Settings
Card Name: NVidia 9800GT
Card Memory 512MB
Display memory 1.9GB
Current Mode: 1920x1080 (32bit) 59Hz
I can!

System Information
Operrating system: Windows XP Professional
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.40 GHZ
Memory: 2200 RAM
Page file: 1956MB
Direct X version: 9.0c

Display Devices
Card name: Nvidia Geforce 220 Gt
Display Memory: 1350 MB
Current Mode: 1680 x 1250 (32 Bit) (75Hz)
Features: Minimum attributes of your Video Card
Required You Have
Video RAM 128 MB 1.3 GB
3D Yes Yes
Pixel Shader version 1.1 4.0

Yes I can.