i know he bought a 1k... but knt just isnt that type of person... hed respect the admins if they told him to do something.
Originally Posted by Ramenryce View Post
The double clienting thing is a lie. I was there when he was doing the farming.

Yes we already found out that he had n00bland helping him.

What? You were there and didnt think once to mention that what he was doing was wrong?
<( O )>
Originally Posted by ravenger View Post
ok i've talked to knt it sounds as if as soon as he was told to make more clients for the server he did and then mods and admins where there and BMAN comes in and startes yelling at him and after that juntails comes and lays this huge plate of quilt all over him

<Bman>22:55: Rulesand laws are bullshit why do we have them we shouldn't listen

Bman:i don't need this shit, knt is pissing me off"

he has chat logs of these
bman shiuld have a one week for all the things he said to kntornsrin he swore almost every 3 words he said to knt

That is not what i said D:
i realize that but still bman should have some sort of suspendion for the things he said to knt the job is for admins and moderators to do that stuff but they still don't yell at him for an hour

kntornsrin was not doubleclienting
knt wasnt doubleclienting, guys. in my opinion, i think this entire thing needs to just take a step back, let the admins work over it from the start inspecting every detail then after those steps conclude the entire job, thusfore posting the results.
Originally Posted by Cevius View Post
Yes we already found out that he had n00bland helping him.

What? You were there and didnt think once to mention that what he was doing was wrong?

atm of the pharming i don't think he knew it was wrong and shouldn't be dealt with

offtopic: yay +1 agree by a torigod XD

Originally Posted by RbLcK
He's shitfucked guys, don't even try to defend him.

Last edited by Owned674; Dec 26, 2007 at 06:06 PM.
i have connections with knt and he says he made 243k the first day and the second he doesn't know about