Same. I hope he post saying it started.
I'm back :)
Im just in time.
When does it start?
Matt please send a pm to each member when it starts.
Thank you
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Ok The Object of this event is::::

At the end of every week. in that case "Friday" there will be a room called BeatMatt.
This is a Public event ,but mostly for legion. the public viewers that do find it are welcome.
As, i was saying once you have enter'd the event, you will fight in a hotseat/knockout match. if you loose ofc your kicked out. if you win. you stay up and get a prize. there is no limite to the amount of things you can win. aslong as i dont run out ofc. it will contunie untill the last man officaly loose's.

You Can Recieve TC,Forces,Relaxs,Gradients, Timers, etc.

GoodLuck and see you friday!

This is a lie!!!!!!!!
Matt isnt even here!
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Well There is still 4 more hours till this day is over.
I'm back :)