Nice one Ferrock. but i was specting somenthing like steel, and dat is looking like some sort of cloth
Buckshot Aspirin to ease ur headache
how about diss ??

i really hope ya like it

don't tell me about the quality it's not the real quality in this head
because i zoomed the picture too much
yes that was just a wip im working on that back part
do u like that blue colour ur do u want to change it
[JollyR] [GATA]
@qoololooop: lol looks like you used a crayon to draw that.
@Ferrock: Please try to endarker the helmet, must be almost void(hunter)
Buckshot Aspirin to ease ur headache
Originally Posted by YouDown View Post
@qoololooop: lol looks like you used a crayon to draw that.

what the heck do u mean ??