Original Post
Great Raid Sandwich Event
Well owing to recent forum difficulties the original thread went walkabout. But this event will still be going.

Welcome one, welcome all to a one-of-a-kind event. Have you trawled through the boring design events, the drab replay events, and the flavourless in-game events and thought to your self, 'When, oh when will there be something exciting? Something new?'. Well get ready for something that will tickle your taste buds and will get your juices flowing. Get ready for the Great Raid Sandwich Making Extravaganza.

That's right all you good people. Finally an event where you can show off your true skills. A competition that combines skill, creativity, and true daring.

The Rules:

-Contestants will have 2 weeks to prepare, construct and photograph the greatest sandwich that they can conceive.

-Sandwiches will be judged on ingredients, appearance, size (bigger the better), health factor (the closer it will bring me to a heart attack, the better), and lastly that little something that makes a sandwich more than just some stuff between two slices of bread. That extra piece of magic that warms you to the soul.

-All sandwiches must be made by you. To this end, you must provide a time stamped photograph, or some other form of proof. Any sandwiches that are not of your creation, or do not have sufficient proof that you made the sandwich will be instantly disqualified.

-Now, there may be some controversy over what exactly constitutes a sandwich. As long as it is between two or more slices of bread (can be any kind of bread, you could even use pizza dough if you wanted to) it counts as a sandwich. You can place ingredients on top of the sandwich and it will be counted. Anything that is one on the plate but not part of the sandwich will only be counted for the design aspect.

The Prizes:

First Place - 250,000 TC
Second Place - 150,000 TC

To all those who had submitted an entry; you will need to resubmit your photographs.

Special thanks to Uric for finding a copy of the original thread.
Last edited by FazZa; Dec 7, 2010 at 01:41 AM.

<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Originally Posted by edjr View Post
Yes, if you do not repost your sandwich. Your previous entry will not be valid.

It should be finished long time ago, and its not our fault that forum is fucked up. so its unfair and you guys suck at hosting.
She's right you should've finish this competition long time ago it's about month long ...
just give rest 4 days to make sandwich and judge it already ...
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
It's not much of a competition if you only get 2 entries. So we prolonged it.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Alright, postpone no more! For I have a sandvich. And...
You said it yourself, "As long as it is between two or more slices of bread (can be any kind of bread, you could even use pizza dough if you wanted to) it counts as a sandwich."

So yeah, here is my electro Death computer sandvich.

Originally Posted by Zouph View Post
You know, ^
That's what the Ninja Academy is making us eat. I call copyright.

Lol, that may look like it because I put a shuriken in there. But Im sure the Ninja Academy wouldnt add a graphix card with a few batteries in the mix. Therefore your argument is flawed.
Originally Posted by edjr View Post
It's not much of a competition if you only get 2 entries. So we prolonged it.

it was month long and you had not two, but maybe 5 entries. that means, noone else wanted to cook for ya ;p
fuck it, this comp sucks xD
Originally Posted by Miska View Post
it was month long and you had not two, but maybe 5 entries. that means, noone else wanted to cook for ya ;p
fuck it, this comp sucks xD

miska never lie <3