All social networks are, are people selling your' personal information to companies, so they can advertise directly about what interests you have personally, like for example, like a sports team on facebook, the next day, look on the left, theres a whole lot of advertisements for that sports team huh? sucks, but its the truth, social networks are good to keep in touch with old friends anyway.
Sometimes I think that Facebook is the debil.....

After I got stalked by an ex on a social network, they kind of lost their sparkle for me.
In fact, I hate social networks like FaceBook and all that crap.
You get spammed by people tagging your "pictures" which are actually holiday cards; you get these ridiculous mini-game invites, the place is full of ads, but I can imagine some people enjoy that.

f=m*a syens
You guys are looking at the negative aspects of it, it's just a social tool.

It seems like a pointless counter-culture that exists just for an idea. If you don't have anyone to e-socialize with, then don't. If you do, then use social networking. There are ads and whatnot, but the TB community has ads, too. I don't see why you could feel negatively about something just because it tries to make money, while supplying you with a helpful service.

And yes, it's possible that you get spammed in tags, but that's just another aspect of social interaction over the internet.
Great for events, sharing photos, meeting up with people, etc
What tertywerty said.
Social networks is bad in my opinion. Like facebook who made that every human you meet you make him as friend. And it's like to show your all personality to him with facebook. And mostly people on facebook has hundrends of friend, can't keep track of real friends and just waste time surfing throught things what many "friends" are doing.
And they could spend all that wasted time for some better or educational reasons.
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
social networks is where it is at right now.

without it we would not have facebook, msn and other stuff social related
it is a big influence in our lives and we should not abuse it as a lil slave that is on its period.
They are amazing, to communicate with your friends, stalk them, post videos, you can basically do anything.

People that say that they suck must clearly have no friends to add in their fucking friendlists.
Ronnie, umad?