Thank you, commander Rayleigh. I wont let you down.
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
Belt: almost 400 away from 6th.

Why you want to join: Free time on my hands, I don't feel like I'm forum active enough, and I would like to experience Tori war. :3

Age: 15

Infraction and ban history: 3 infractions I believe.
1) met Voxus on a bad day for him.
2) Useless post.
3) Useless post.

Skills that could help the TAF: I'm multi-langual. I can speak Spanish, English, and Latin. I am very courageous all the time (consider myself to be over courageous). I like challenges, and I wouldn't mind adding that I can fix technology.

Forum Activity(1-10): 7 or 8

In-game Activity(1-10): 10, I'm on in-game everyday for nearly 5+ hours.

IRC Activity(1-10): 6 or 7 (But I'm working on it)

Which branch you want to join: Navy.
Belt: Blackbelt
Why you want to join: This is a very organized org, and I want to help the army, leading it to victory and prosperity.
Age: 16 years old.
Infraction and ban history: 1 infraction, for making an art shop in the wrong thread. Won't happen again for sure.
Skills that could help the TAF: I'm VERY active, and also well organized. I can help by being active, and help you to organize stuffs.
Forum Activity(1-10): 9
In-game Activity(1-10): 5
IRC Activity(1-10): 7
Which branch you want to join: I wanted to join the Air Force.

Thank you.
not dead
Accepted Wolf.

Do me proud, Seaman.

Sorry for the delay, Aircraftman Dark. Accepted.
Last edited by Rayleigh; Feb 7, 2011 at 04:56 AM.
Get in IRC, wolf.
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
Belt: 8th Dan

Why you want to join: Well, looks like a nice org. and Rayleigh somewhat invited me ;p

Age: 16

Infraction and ban history: One infraction,
Private 07-14-2009
11:08 AM Expired 2 Ignoring rules hanz0

Skills that could help the TAF: Well, I'd like to call myself great at Aikido. And I'd call myself good at Tk, Wushu, and various others. I'm active too.

Forum Activity(1-10): 9
In-game Activity(1-10):9
IRC Activity(1-10):9

Which branch you want to join: Army

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم