From personal experience, I can tell you not to give a shit about what people think about you. Who cares if you're a Sped (Special Education), you seem extremely intelligent to me and I'm sure others think the same. Don't let what other people think of you and where you are in school shape you, be who you wanna be and tell those haters to get fucked. Period.
I like my steak cooked Bleu.
This is my: "Revive a thread in each forum I've been in" monthly holiday.

As long as you're smart and sexy people can't say shit about you.

Be yourself, but don't be a retard.

Catch ma drift mi amore?
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
hmm Don't know wat to say.... i think everyone said wat should been said ........ but from my experience being urself isn't always good idea i tried it and it didn't worked for me don't get it wrong, but i find out that adapting to situation is the best way for me i mean that i act in 90% in front of ppl in school ........ Hmm that won't help u but had to write my opinion.........
And btw its easy to u to say that we don't have to care about wat ppl says and to be ourselves,..
Cuz its doesn't work in like 80%.......
Just do something with good friends of you.
Music: Make or listen. Does always help.
Sport: sitting around does even make it worse.

And with your ticks/tourette: Get to a doctor to see if its really tourette something different.

I really hope i could help you.
Originally Posted by RoboHobo View Post
implying i'm a retard


If your personality is a classclown, don't spaz out to be funny, if it's shy, be the sensitive guy, tl;dr: revise your personality when the situation demands it.

BUUUUT, if you're good with the ladies, act however you fucking want, no one will care, cuz they'll love you so much.

And about the ticks, see a doctor, I know the feeling...
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma