i think that there should be a way that could be added in, maybe like how C relaxes and unrelaxes the joints, X contracts and extends, maybe V could do something with the other stuff...
I got a bunch of walking replays a while back, but they all got removed.

Here's the link to the thread anyways.
<spencer135> I'm God.
<Wetto> well
<Wetto> I'm thor
<Wetto> How many non shitty album covers have you been on hmm?
<spencer135> ...
yeah the replays have been deleted. but Wouldnt my idea be good?

C- Relax and Hold
X- Extend and Contract
V- Rotate Left and Rotate right? Or whatever.

If they could manage to fit that in reasonably. its just discussion.
not what this thread was about D:
From a looong time ago:
[21:56]<Blam>ManBreakfast: Frunk wants to know why you banned him from IRC
[21:56]<ManBreakfast>oh, fuck
[21:56]=-=Mode #toribash -b Frunk!*Frankie'sip by ManBreakfast
I think its because tori is quite heavy, and its difficult to control how he displaces his weight, we as humans have an more complex range of movemnt which can also be changed in power/speed, as a result we are able to create movements which do not displace us as much as movement in toribash displace a character, because uke/tori only have 20 joints which move at a fixed velcoty power and range it is extremely difficult to control your centre of mass to remain balanced
What ronalds says is true, along with the low gravity. If characters were actually being pulled towards the ground instead of vaugely floating towards it, then walking might be a little easier.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
We can walk, it's just hard. due to the factors from the post's above mine.Beleive me MANY of us have walked on toribash I know I have.
this is such an epic thread!!

we need to see more like this tbh.

where are all the walking replays! back up your sayings with replays!
