Not bad, you just was a little to stiff when you did the kick and it needed a little more frames if you asked me, But It was nice to see how you played with uke ^_^. 7/10.
Dang, uke went HIGH! 10/10, just amazing. And Link, you shouldn't be talking. All of your replays are terrible because of how stiff they are.
previously known as Lopsin

They aren't terrible, have you seen my new replays? They are relaxed. Dude the replay was just a little to stiff 10/10 is not a good reasonable rating but think as you please ^_^.
paladin - lacks speed
forget feelings - I expected a boom when you hitted him with the leg that up there but you just threw him more...up?yeah it was probably hard to get but it is possible
ill try getting it tomorrow since its 1:02 am
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Link8: Please point out more where its stiff. If it's only the kick, how could I have got 3 ratings down just because of that? But thanks anyways.

Lopsin: Thank you. Not to be a judge but I don't think I deserve a 10/10.

Kat: I didn't really aim for a boom on that. I went for style. I could get a boom if I wanted to on that kick. But the thing is I didn't want to. I made the replay go the way I wanted. But thanks for the CnC.
Well, when I said stiff it was pretty stiff when you was walking and the speed was lacked. Hope to see more good replays from you ^_^.
Well it's a pretty basic replay, but that's how we all started.

If you want to learn via decap replays then you must make them perfect. Your opener was nice but a tad random. During the jump, your arms and legs were too stiff.

The decap itself was messy. Practice your aim and hit only with your foot block not the thigh, and go for a clean hit where you get 0 damage because it looks better.
You can do better
thats all
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter